Tulsi Gabbard Rips Dems For Undemocratic Selection Of Harris As Party Nom

Tulsi Gabbard Rips Dems For Undemocratic Selection Of Harris As Party Nom

Former Hawaii Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard tore into New York Dem. Sen. Charles Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader, regarding the process by which Vice President Kamala Harris became the Democrat presidential nominee.

The Senator claimed that Harris rose to the position from the grassroots and not being coronated by the elite of the Party, but the former representative does not believe it.

“Sure, if you buy what Chuck Schumer is selling which I don’t for a second. I was laughing because, gosh, it’s just so telling in so many ways, ending with him being the only guy clapping. It literally said it all… about who’s made the decision here” she said to former Fox News host and current Sirius XM host Megyn Kelly.

“In this election now in 2024, many states didn’t even have primaries. We actually had a few people who stepped up to run against Joe Biden in the primary election. And their names are not allowed to be on some ballots in the States. So to say that there was even a democratic process to select Joe Biden to be the nominee is a pure lie. And that lie is continuing on now as they try to create this new narrative and this facade of how the Democratic Party is going to the grassroots from the bottom on up to select Kamala Harris as the nominee, none of that has happened,” the former representative said.

“Where was the bottom-up grassroots voices being heard and votes being cast now for Kamala Harris to be the new Democratic nominee? It’s a lie. It hasn’t happened. They have decided that she will be the nominee, but they’re trying to pretend as though this is a decision being made by the American people or certainly Democratic primary voters to try to bolster her position rather than seeing it for what it actually is, which is a coronation by the Democrat elite, who’ve been calling the shots for Joe Biden, who’s been a figurehead for the Democrat elite for the last three and a half years. And now they see in Kamala Harris, someone who will continue to be a figurehead and who will do whatever they tell her to do,” she said.



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