Tucker Carlson Says What We Are All Thinking

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Elections Officials in Michigan and Wisconsin Refuse To Explain Sudden Biden Vote Influx

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Monday night On Tucker Carlson’s show, he took a dig at what seems to be Neil Cavuto for cutting away from Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany earlier in the day when she was discussing voter fraud at a press conference.

“In a democracy you can not ignore honest questions from citizens, you’re not allowed”, Carlson said. ” You can’t dismiss them out of hand as crazy or immoral for asking. You can’t just cut away from coverage you don’t like. You can’t simply tell people to accept an outcome, because force doesn’t work in a democracy.”

Fox News has been taking a lot of heat since their election night coverage when they called Arizona for Biden before many votes were yet to be counted and it wasn’t a sure thing. This has left a lot of die hard supporters saying they are no longer going to support FoxNews and will be switching to Newsmax and One America News Network.

Here are some of the things people had to say:

“They are not Fox News I grew to watch. They have let the liberal media change them”

“I have turned off Fox News, never to return! I hope a couple of the personalities make their way to Newsmax or another site, but the rest belong on CNN. Whiny John Roberts can lead the way..”

“Fox is off in my house!

Losing your base support is never a good thing, so it will be interesting to see what direction they decide to take the company.

Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania

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Monday night On Tucker Carlson’s show, he took a dig at what seems to be Neil Cavuto for cutting away from Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany earlier in the day when she was discussing voter fraud at a press conference.

“In a democracy you can not ignore honest questions from citizens, you’re not allowed”, Carlson said. ” You can’t dismiss them out of hand as crazy or immoral for asking. You can’t just cut away from coverage you don’t like. You can’t simply tell people to accept an outcome, because force doesn’t work in a democracy.”

Fox News has been taking a lot of heat since their election night coverage when they called Arizona for Biden before many votes were yet to be counted and it wasn’t a sure thing. This has left a lot of die hard supporters saying they are no longer going to support FoxNews and will be switching to Newsmax and One America News Network.

Here are some of the things people had to say:

“They are not Fox News I grew to watch. They have let the liberal media change them”

“I have turned off Fox News, never to return! I hope a couple of the personalities make their way to Newsmax or another site, but the rest belong on CNN. Whiny John Roberts can lead the way..”

“Fox is off in my house!

Losing your base support is never a good thing, so it will be interesting to see what direction they decide to take the company.