Trump Creating His Own Social Media Platform

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The world may see a new social media platform in two to three months, one being created by former President Donald Trump’s own service , according to one of his senior advisers.

Trump had over 80 million followers on Twitter before being banned after the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

Fox News reports:

“I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here, with his own platform,” Trump senior adviser Jason Miller told  Fox News’ “#MediaBuzz” on Sunday. “And this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media, it’s going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does.”

Miller said he was unable to provide much more in terms of details at this point, but he did reveal that Trump has been having “high-powered meetings” at Mar-a-Lago with various teams regarding the venture, and that “numerous companies” have approached Trump.

“This new platform is going to be big,” Miller said, predicting that Trump will draw “tens of millions of people.”

This new platform will no doubt have an affect on the political landscape with Trump promoting republican candidates.

“Pay attention to Georgia tomorrow, on Monday. There’s a big endorsement that’s coming that’s going to really shake things up in the political landscape in Georgia. It’s big, it’s coming tomorrow, and just be sure to tune in,” Miller stated.

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The world may see a new social media platform in two to three months, one being created by former President Donald Trump’s own service , according to one of his senior advisers.

Trump had over 80 million followers on Twitter before being banned after the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

Fox News reports:

“I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here, with his own platform,” Trump senior adviser Jason Miller told  Fox News’ “#MediaBuzz” on Sunday. “And this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media, it’s going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does.”

Miller said he was unable to provide much more in terms of details at this point, but he did reveal that Trump has been having “high-powered meetings” at Mar-a-Lago with various teams regarding the venture, and that “numerous companies” have approached Trump.

“This new platform is going to be big,” Miller said, predicting that Trump will draw “tens of millions of people.”

This new platform will no doubt have an affect on the political landscape with Trump promoting republican candidates.

“Pay attention to Georgia tomorrow, on Monday. There’s a big endorsement that’s coming that’s going to really shake things up in the political landscape in Georgia. It’s big, it’s coming tomorrow, and just be sure to tune in,” Miller stated.