FLASHBACK: In ’07 Biden Wanted ‘Federal Law Mandating’ Paper Ballots

Biden: “How are you gonna keep it from us being able to be in a position where you can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records?”

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Ballots Found on Flash Drive Help Virginia Democrat Spanberger Surge Ahead

Biden: “How are you gonna keep it from us being able to be in a position where you can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records?”

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Democrats were literally cheering and partying in the streets to “count every vote” after hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes started turning up just after November’s election. But, let’s take a look back at their leader’s once upon a time comments about voter fraud who those fraudulent votes helped elect, Joe Biden.

Back in 2007, when Joe Biden was on the Democratic ticket as vice president to Barack Obama, Biden was singing a different tune. Touting election reform and advocating for paper ballots over voting machines, Biden said, “How are you gonna keep it from us being able to be in a position where you can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records?”

“I think we should pass a federal law mandating that the same machines with paper trails be mandatory for every federal election” added Biden. “We can’t mandate state elections…So in a nutshell I think we should be mandating that we have a paper ballot with a standardized machine, standardized requirement.”

Fast forward to Joe Biden being the head honcho on 2020’s presidential ticket when despite hundreds if not thousands of reports proving fraudulent machines, “we’re being sold the idea that everything was above board” notes PJ Media. Now, in a post-Biden victory thanks in large part to those voting irregularities, Biden says this: “We the people voted. Faith in our institutions held…the integrity of our elections remains intact.”

Except, the “integrity of our elections” has never been less intact. Earlier this week a forensics report was conducted in Michigan which found, “the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results” determining the county of Antrim, Michigan’s election results are “not certifiable.”

There are also additional reports “of voter fraud in battleground states, backed up by witness affidavits and statistical analyses. There are so many reasons for Americans, regardless of who they voted for, to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election results” writes PJ Media.

Democratic Operative Comes Clean: ‘I Was A Master At Fixing Mail-In Ballots’

Biden: “How are you gonna keep it from us being able to be in a position where you can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records?”

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Democrats were literally cheering and partying in the streets to “count every vote” after hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes started turning up just after November’s election. But, let’s take a look back at their leader’s once upon a time comments about voter fraud who those fraudulent votes helped elect, Joe Biden.

Back in 2007, when Joe Biden was on the Democratic ticket as vice president to Barack Obama, Biden was singing a different tune. Touting election reform and advocating for paper ballots over voting machines, Biden said, “How are you gonna keep it from us being able to be in a position where you can manipulate the machines, manipulate the records?”

“I think we should pass a federal law mandating that the same machines with paper trails be mandatory for every federal election” added Biden. “We can’t mandate state elections…So in a nutshell I think we should be mandating that we have a paper ballot with a standardized machine, standardized requirement.”

Fast forward to Joe Biden being the head honcho on 2020’s presidential ticket when despite hundreds if not thousands of reports proving fraudulent machines, “we’re being sold the idea that everything was above board” notes PJ Media. Now, in a post-Biden victory thanks in large part to those voting irregularities, Biden says this: “We the people voted. Faith in our institutions held…the integrity of our elections remains intact.”

Except, the “integrity of our elections” has never been less intact. Earlier this week a forensics report was conducted in Michigan which found, “the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results” determining the county of Antrim, Michigan’s election results are “not certifiable.”

There are also additional reports “of voter fraud in battleground states, backed up by witness affidavits and statistical analyses. There are so many reasons for Americans, regardless of who they voted for, to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election results” writes PJ Media.