Ted Cruz: 'Trump Broke The Democratic Party'

Ted Cruz: 'Trump Broke The Democratic Party'

Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican locked in what is proving to be a tighter then usual reelection race, declared during an interview Saturday with Fox News host Mark Levin that former President Donald Trump has “broken” the Democratic Party, as evidenced by the left’s constant legal assaults against him heading into the 2024 election where he is leading in most polls.

He noted:

This is a brazen president. This is a brazen Department of Justice. Merrick Garland — you and I both know Merrick Garland. He spent 24 years as a judge. He actually had a good reputation as a Court of Appeals judge. I had some glimmer of hope that he might do the job with integrity.

He has proven to be the most partisan, and the most lawless attorney general in our nation’s history. And you are right, this administration — listen, I’ve said a number of times, Donald Trump broke the Democratic Party. They hate him so much that their minds had been shattered and they’ve convinced themselves that Trump is Adolf Hitler.

And because Trump is Hitler, anything, anything, anything is justified to stop him. You talked about these ridiculous trials. In over 200 years, we have never once indicted a president or a former president in our entire country’s history, until this past year, when the Democrats have done so four times. Every one of these cases is number one, an abuse of power because they hate Donald Trump. But number two, it is an assault on the American people. It’s an assault on democracy.

I’ve got to say, I actually think Sigmund Freud is rolling over in his grave because the Democrats engage in Freudian projection at a level I’ve never seen. They beat their chest. They say we’re defending democracy, and they are engaged in an assault on democracy.

And you mentioned the assertion of executive privilege. I actually view that as just mockery, because it is a ludicrous claim, as you know well, executive privilege exists to protect the conversation between the president and his senior advisers.

Now, mind you, the radical left doesn’t care about executive privilege if it is a Republican president, and that’s why Peter Navarro is in jail right now because he asserted executive privilege when Congress tried to get him to divulge his conversations with President Trump, and they sent him to jail over it and they’re about to send Steve Bannon to jail over the exact same thing.

But in this instance, there’s not even a credible claim of executive privilege. Why? Because when Joe Biden was talking with Robert Hur, he wasn’t talking to a subordinate, he wasn’t instructing a subordinate in his administration what to do.

Look, if Joe Biden were having a conversation with Merrick Garland about the priorities of the Department of Justice, that could well be covered by executive privilege. But in this instance, Robert Hur was a special counsel. He was investigating Joe Biden for multiple felonies. Joe Biden was effectively a criminal defendant. That is not executive privilege. He was not setting policy at that moment. Robert Herr was not there as a subordinate, he was there as a prosecutor, and the claim is laughable.

And by the way, Robert Hur concluded, yes, Joe Biden committed multiple felonies. He did so knowingly, willingly, brazenly over and over and over again. And then on behalf of the Biden Department of Justice, he said, but we’re not going to charge him because Joe Biden is not competent to stand trial. He’s too old and senile. No jury would convict him.

And yet nonetheless, this person not competent to stand trial has the nuclear codes and remains our commander-in-chief.



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