Team Biden In Denial Over Trump's Polling Numbers: Report

Team Biden In Denial Over Trump's Polling Numbers: Report

President Joe Biden and his reelection campaign team appear not to believe a series of polls showing his likely GOP rival, former President Donald Trump, trouncing him in key states while leading him in others, according to sources who spoke to Axios.

According to the most recent poll data from a New York Times/Siena College survey published on Monday, Trump holds a lead over Biden in Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin by margins of up to 13 points. Despite the president’s public skepticism regarding the polls, Axios reported that both the president and his advisers privately share the same disbelief in them.

“While the press doesn’t write about it, the momentum is clearly in our favor, with the polls moving towards us and away from Trump,” the president told donors during a California campaign event earlier this month.

According to Axios, several national polls indicate Biden is leading Trump, which Biden tends to cite and analyze closely. One such poll is the April 2024 PBS/Marist survey, which shows Biden holding a three-point lead over Trump.

“We run strongest among likely voters in the polling data,” Biden told donors at a Saturday event. “And while the national polls basically have us (among) registered voters up by four, (among) likely voters, we’re up by more.”

Despite their disbelief, the president and his advisers are becoming increasingly frustrated with the polling in private, as several sources within his circle revealed to The New York Times. Meanwhile, with several months left until Election Day, the Biden campaign remains optimistic about its capacity to reverse the polling trends, as reported by the NYT.

“The only consistency in recent public polls is inconsistency,” Geoff Garin, a Biden campaign pollster, told reporters, according to the Times.

“This campaign is not arguing for the status quo,” Molly Murphy, a Biden campaign pollster, told the outlet. “The most important piece is acknowledging that people are still feeling frustrated and behind, and that the problems and the struggles that people are facing were not caused by this president and in fact have been alleviated” by Biden.

“This election will be close like all presidential races are. What matters is which candidate has a popular and winning agenda, and which candidate and their campaign are putting in the work to reach the voters who will decide this election,” Kevin Munoz, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, told Axios. “That candidate is Joe Biden.”


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