Steve Bannon: Trump's Bronx Rally Was 'A Pure MAGA Speech' That Crowd Loved

Steve Bannon: Trump's Bronx Rally Was 'A Pure MAGA Speech' That Crowd Loved

For advisor to former President Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, has a message for Democrats.

The “War Room” podcast host said that the former president’s rally in the Bronx was a “flex” and a “show of force” and then more Americans are MAGA then people think.

“What you saw yesterday in the Bronx was a flex. That’s a full flex. President Trump had a show of force yesterday.

“This is to counter what’s going on in lower Manhattan. Lower Manhattan are the lackeys that report to the ruling elite, the minorities that have sold out other minorities to report to the man and take the man’s money,” the host said.

“What you saw in the Bronx yesterday was a self-organizing, incredible show of force, and here’s what’s most important, there is a great tweet out about this.

“Donald Trump did not pander to that audience. He didn’t point out enemies. He didn’t bemoan their fate. He didn’t say the government is going to come. He didn’t promise a bunch of government programs,” he said.

“It was a pure MAGA speech. That speech could be given in Ohio or Iowa, Arkansas, Texas, Wisconsin, anywhere — Florida, Arizona. And they couldn’t get enough of it. Yesterday, that was historic. And I want to thank Gavin Wax. And of course, Jason Miller, the others of the campaign, but Gavin Wax and New York Young Republican Club, Vish Bura, those folks, they, they pitched this at the Gala last year, it came off without a flaw incredible,” the former Trump advisor said.

“But here’s the takeaway. I keep repeating this and repeating this and repeating this. Two-thirds to 75% of this nation right now are MAGA. They want to put America first and they want to put American citizens first. That’s the big takeaway.

“Also from yesterday, they don’t want illegal immigration into this country. They don’t want the invasion. They don’t want more government handouts. They don’t want more federal involvement in their lives. They want freedom and liberty and opportunity. That’s MAGA right there,” the host said.

“It was a historic, historic, historic day, and President Trump — not one line of pandering to anybody. You show me another politician in this country that would do that because that’s his natural instinct. That’s his default position.

“The dark clouds of neo-liberal/neocon are all on the horizon. Do you know why we’re winning? We’re winning because of what you put on your shoulders. We’re winning because of because of your efforts,” he said.


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