State's Largest Teachers Union Overwhelmingly Passes Resolution Opposing 'Capitalism'

State's Largest Teachers Union Overwhelmingly Passes Resolution Opposing 'Capitalism'

A major state teachers union has decided that America’s founding economic model is trash and that children ought not be allowed to learn it — for their own good, of course.

As reported by Fox News, the Colorado Education Association [CEA] reportedly passed a resolution that declares that “capitalism inherently exploits children, public schools, land, labor, and resources.”

A final version of the resolution states that “CEA believes that capitalism requires exploitation of children, public schools, land, labor, and/or resources. Capitalism is in opposition to fully addressing systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy, (gender and LGBTQ disparities), education inequality, and income inequality.”

In fact, capitalism, by design, lifts all who make the effort out of a life of poverty, dependence, and deprivation. And it’s a safe bet that every one of the CEA members either partakes in capitalism or got to their current station in life under the economic model.

Fox News noted further that a screenshot displayed an earlier draft of the resolution that called for replacing capitalism with a “new equitable economic system.”

The outlet said that a screenshot of the original version of the read: “CEA believes that capitalism requires exploitation of children, public schools, land, labor, and/or resources and, therefore, the only way to fully address systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy (gender and LGBTQ disparities), education inequality, and income inequality is to dismantle capitalism and replace it with a new, equitable economic system.”

“We are constantly using band-aids and minor reforms to make things better, which is good, but the system itself is the problem, and it needs to be named,” said a statement underneath the resolution, the network reported.

A screengrab was sent to an outlet called The Lion by a former federal official, Fox News noted.

The Lion then “sent the screenshot to Lauren Stephenson, director of communications at the CEA, who belatedly admitted to the original resolution. She sent the Lion the revised form of the resolution that passed the assembly,” the outlet reported, adding that the teachers union previously decided not to disclose the resolution, citing concers over “process” and privacy.

The screenshot of the original version of the resolution was sent to a federal official by a member of the CEA who left in disgust and protest after the resolution was passed. It was first introduced by Bryan Lindstrom, who teaches history at a college.

When the final version of the resolution passed, Lindstrom retweeted a comment that said that it “allows CEA members to publicly advocate and lobby for anti-capitalist policies at the CO Capitol.”


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