Shocker: 7 in 10 'Elites' Want Only College Grads To Vote

Shocker: 7 in 10 'Elites' Want Only College Grads To Vote

A stunning new poll by Scott Rasmussen showed that America’s elites do not want the average citizen to be able to vote.

A whopping 69 percent of the “politically obsessed” top one percent of income earners surveyed believe that a college degree should be a requirement to vote, The Daily Signal reported.

Rasmussen defined “politically obsessed” as those in the top one percent who talk about politics daily.

The poll was conducted by RMG Research and showed that the elite class and normal Americans are far apart on many issues, from gun ownership to government censorship and more.

Rasmussen got into more detail when he appeared on The Daily Signal Podcast.

“There seems to be a wide discrepancy of views when it comes to who should vote and who should have a say in our country’s future. That number to me was one that stood out and was quite alarming,” the host said.

“Absolutely alarming. We asked a question that seemed to me to be absurd, Would it be better if only people with a college degree were allowed to vote?” the pollster said.

“Appropriately, most Americans just soundly reject that idea. But among the elites, they heavily believe this country would be better off if all those deplorables who didn’t go to college weren’t allowed to vote,” he said.

“And one issue where there’s also quite a big disparity is gun ownership. How do the elite view guns?” the host said.

“Consistently for decades, voters say they want to live in a community where guns are allowed. Sometimes it’s in the low 60s, sometimes after a horrific shooting event, it moves down to the low 50s, but consistently a majority of Americans can support that,” the pollster said.

“Among the elite 1 % that politically obsessed portion of it, about 70% of them say, ‘No, we want to live where guns are outlawed.’ And 76% of them want to ban the private ownership of guns,” he said.

“If you are in that politically obsessed elite and you believe strongly that we should ban guns, and if you believe that most American people want to live in a community where guns are outlawed, then you take an almost religious fervor to the fight to ban guns because you can convince yourself that you’re fighting on behalf of the public. And once again, you’re actually fighting against what the American people are looking for,” he said.


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