Sen. J.D. Vance Reveals Strategy GOP Should Use Against Merchan, Daughter After Trump Ruling

Sen. J.D. Vance Reveals Strategy GOP Should Use Against Merchan, Daughter After Trump Ruling

Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance has removed the gloves and wants the Republicans in the House of Representatives to take action after the guilty verdicts of former President Donald Trump in his Manhattan trial.

The senator, and someone rumored to be on the shortlist to be the former President’s vice president, appeared on Fox News and spoke to host Jesse Watters after the verdicts and was furious.

“I’ve never heard constituents so frustrated and so angry at what they’ve seen. Not in the 2020 election, not the fake impeachment scams. This, I think, has activated Republicans. And you see, Alvin Bragg and a lot of these other criminal prosecutors have a spring in their step today. I think they are going to realize that what they have done has backfired terribly,” the senator said.

“The one thing that I’m hearing from constituents all over the state of Ohio, they are frustrated, they are angry and they are saying how can we help, what can we do? They feel so powerless which I understand because it’s happening in New York, so far away from the state of Ohio. The answer is to get involved, go to, support the president, volunteer for him, donate for him, and please, for the love of God, vote for him in November because, Jesse, the thing that we’ve learned is that these far-left people, they don’t respect anything but power. That is the only language they speak and the only way for us to fight back successfully is to elect Donald Trump in November,” he said.

“If he’s elected, is there a strategy to rectify the injustice? I don’t know what that would look like, but there has to be something done to the system in order to hold people accountable so we don’t have to go through a cycle of political violence like we are seeing right now in the courts,” the host said.

“Absolutely, Jesse. You hear some of the experts across the aisle say that this case won’t stand up on appeal. Well, if the case won’t stand up on appeal, why was it brought in the first place? Why was a judge whose family has gotten rich off of Democratic party fundraising allowed to preside over this thing in the first place? And Republicans, Jesse, we cannot just sit on our hands. We can’t just complain about it as important as all of that stuff is. We have to be willing to fight back. We need to be subpoenaing Judge Merchan and his daughter. We need to understand what are the connections between Big Democratic Money and this sham prosecution. Did George Soros ever talk to Alvin Bragg about using his power to go after Donald Trump?” the senator responded.

“We need to get to the bottom of it, and when we find wrongdoing, we need to be willing to actually punish it. That is the only language that I think these people are going to understand is that if they do this if they turn the American system of justice into banana republic garbage, they’re going to suffer consequences for it. If they don’t, it’s not going to stop with Donald Trump. Banana republics never stop with the guy at the top. It’s going to go after a ton of other Republican officials and conservatives unless we fight back,” Vance added.


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