Secret Identity of Whistleblower Revealed As IRS Special Agent At House Hearing

Secret Identity of Whistleblower Revealed As IRS Special Agent At House Hearing

Another whistleblower who claims to have more information regarding alleged corruption involving the first family has been identified.

“The identity of the anonymous IRS whistleblower alleging political misconduct throughout the Hunter Biden investigation has been revealed as special agent Joseph Ziegler — a gay Democrat with more than a dozen years serving within the agency’s criminal investigative division,” Fox News reported on Wednesday.

“Ziegler appeared for the first time publicly before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, alongside his IRS supervisor Gary Shapley, who also has blown the whistle on political influence surrounding prosecutorial decisions throughout the years-long federal probe into the president’s son,” the report added.

He identified himself as a 13-year special agent serving in the IRS’ Criminal Investigation Division and characterized himself as a “gay Democrat married to a man.”

Fox reported further that Ziegler is expected to testify that Hunter Biden “should have been charged with a tax felony, and not only the tax misdemeanor charge,” and that texts and communications investigators reviewed “may be a contradiction to what President Biden was saying about not being involved in Hunter’s oversea business dealings.”

In addition, Fox reported that he is expected to discuss the “corrosion of ethical standards and the abuse of power that threaten our nation” he says he witnessed.

Ziegler is also expected to reveal a number of instances in which federal prosecutors “did not follow the ordinary process, slow-walked the investigation, and put in place unnecessary approvals and roadblocks from effectively and efficiently investigating the case,” including prosecutors preventing the questioning of Hunter Biden’s adult children.

The special agent will also implore Congress and the Biden administration to “consider a special counsel” for the Hunter Biden probe and “all the related cases and spin-off investigations that have come forward from this investigation.”

And, Fox noted, it is anticipated that Ziegler will press Congress to consider “establishing an official channel for Federal investigators to pull the emergency cord and raise the issue of the appointment of a special counsel for consideration by your senior officials.”

Fox added:

Shapley, who has participated in multiple media interviews since the House Ways & Means Committee released his transcribed interview last month, is expected to testify that prosecutors “had decided to conceal some evidence from the investigators” that they found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Shapley is also expected to say that the Delaware’s U.S. Attorney’s Office “slow-walked steps like conducting interviews, serving document requests, and pursuing physical search warrants in California, Virginia and Delaware” until after the 2020 presidential election.

“The warrants were ready as early as April 2020, but the Delaware USAO pushed them off until after the November 2020 election and then never pursued them,” Shapley is expected to say during testimony.

“After an electronic search warrant on Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud account led us to WhatsApp messages with several CEFC China Energy executives where he claimed to be sitting and discussing business with his father Joe Biden, we sought permission to follow up on the information in the messages,” Shapley will add. “Prosecutors would not allow it.”


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