Report: Biden Hires Big Tech Execs From Same Companies Censoring Conservatives

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BIDEN: 56 Percent of Americans “Probably Shouldn’t” Vote for Me

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The same tech firms that are shutting down conservative voices at a rapid pace will play major roles in the Biden administration.

Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Google, and Twitter came together to censor or outright ban all things Trump and even took down the Parler app which is a direct competitor to Twitter. If history has taught us anything, the ones who do the censoring are not the good ones.

Around 14 current or former executives from five major tech firms will serve in the Biden administration or advise his transition team.

The Daily Caller reports:

Apple’s top lobbyist was a chief adviser to the Biden transition team. A former Facebook executive will serve as staff director in the Biden White House, and a former Twitter executive will serve as chief spokesperson for the National Security Council under Biden.

Current and former executives at those firms and two others, Google and Amazon, fill out other positions in the incoming Biden administration, or his transition team.

The five tech giants all took action this week against Trump and Parler, the social media site, in response to riots at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

Apple and Google removed Parler from its app stores, meaning that users will not be able to access it on their iPhones or Samsung Galaxy phones.

Apple said on Friday that Parler had “not taken adequate measures to address the proliferation of these threats to people’s safety.” Google removed Parler from its app store on Thursday.

As if taking the Parler app off of the Apple and Google store wasn’t enough, Amazon took it even further by not allowing the Twitter competitor to host their site on AWS (Amazon Web Services) servers.

See the Daily Caller article for a full list of the big tech exes who will be joining the Biden team.



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The same tech firms that are shutting down conservative voices at a rapid pace will play major roles in the Biden administration.

Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Google, and Twitter came together to censor or outright ban all things Trump and even took down the Parler app which is a direct competitor to Twitter. If history has taught us anything, the ones who do the censoring are not the good ones.

Around 14 current or former executives from five major tech firms will serve in the Biden administration or advise his transition team.

The Daily Caller reports:

Apple’s top lobbyist was a chief adviser to the Biden transition team. A former Facebook executive will serve as staff director in the Biden White House, and a former Twitter executive will serve as chief spokesperson for the National Security Council under Biden.

Current and former executives at those firms and two others, Google and Amazon, fill out other positions in the incoming Biden administration, or his transition team.

The five tech giants all took action this week against Trump and Parler, the social media site, in response to riots at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

Apple and Google removed Parler from its app stores, meaning that users will not be able to access it on their iPhones or Samsung Galaxy phones.

Apple said on Friday that Parler had “not taken adequate measures to address the proliferation of these threats to people’s safety.” Google removed Parler from its app store on Thursday.

As if taking the Parler app off of the Apple and Google store wasn’t enough, Amazon took it even further by not allowing the Twitter competitor to host their site on AWS (Amazon Web Services) servers.

See the Daily Caller article for a full list of the big tech exes who will be joining the Biden team.