Post-Dem National Convention Survey Isn't Great For Harris

Post-Dem National Convention Survey Isn't Great For Harris

Following the Democratic National Convention (DNC), a recent poll has unveiled substantial changes in voter sentiment as the 2024 presidential election looms.

The August Voter Omnibus Topline report by Echelon Insights focuses on emerging trends that may impact the upcoming election and potentially lead to a new national leader. The poll doesn’t bring the best news for either candidate, particularly Vice President Kamala Harris.

One of the most significant findings is the widespread dissatisfaction with the direction of the country. Only 29% of respondents believe the U.S. is on the right track, while a substantial 64% feel the nation is headed in the wrong direction.

As the election approaches, economic concerns remain a top priority for voters. According to the poll, 25% of voters cite the cost of living as their primary issue, making it the top concern. Immigration follows closely at 14%, with jobs and the economy at 12%.

The survey also provides insights into the current administration’s approval ratings: President Joe Biden has a job approval rating of 43%, with 55% of respondents disapproving of his performance.

Vice President Kamala Harris has a slightly higher approval rating of 50%, with 48% disapproving, with the mixed ratings underscoring the challenges facing the Democratic Party as it aims to retain control of the White House.

Voters were split on the overall success of the Biden administration, with 46% rating it as a success and 52% considering it a failure. Despite the nation’s challenges, voter enthusiasm remains high, however, with the poll indicating that 89% of respondents are highly motivated to vote in the November 2024 election, and 77% describe themselves as “extremely motivated.”

One of the most notable findings from the poll is the tight race between the two leading candidates. In a hypothetical matchup between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, the poll shows a near tie, with 49% of respondents supporting Trump and 48% backing Harris — this, after an entire month of overwhelmingly positive coverage for her and similarly negative coverage for him.

When asked to rate their likelihood of voting for Trump on a scale from 0 to 10, respondents gave him an average score of 4.70, while Harris received a slightly higher average score of 4.95. Trump currently holds a 0.1% lead over Harris in the seven key battleground states, while Harris has a 1.5% national lead over Trump, according to RealClearPolitics averages.


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