Posh NYC School Wants Students to Stop Using Terms “Mom” and “Dad” to be More “Inclusive”

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A private Manhattan school that charges $57,000 a year has issued a 12-page “inclusive language guide” to staff, students and parents which encourages them to stop using the terms “mom” and “dad,” among other ridiculous woke edicts to create a more welcoming environment.

The Daily Mail reports:

Grace Church School in NoHo has offered a 12-page guide to staff, students and parents that encourages them to stop using ‘mom’ and ‘dad’, to stop asking classmates where they may have gone on vacation. and urges them not to wish anyone a ‘Merry Christmas’  – or even a ‘Happy Holidays’.

The Episcopal school also offers courses and after-school programs for its students that include single-gender groups, a Roots of Empathy program, and a course called ‘Allying: Why? Who? and How?’ which is offered to seniors.

According to the guidelines, instead of using the words “mom” and “dad” students should say “grown-ups,” “folks,” or “family.”

Instead of using the word “parents,” students could use any of the above recommended terms, as well as “guardians.”

The terms “husband,” “wife,” “boyfriend,” and “girlfriend” should be replaced with “spouse,” “partner,” or “significant other.”

The schools new guidelines state, “While we recognize hateful language that promotes racism, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination are already addressed in our school handbooks, we also recognize that we can do more than ban hateful language; we can use language to create welcoming and inclusive spaces.”

Rev. Robert M. Pennoyer II, the assistant head of school, issued a statement about the inclusion glossary.

“As part of our Episcopal identity, we recognize the dignity and worth common to humanity,” he said.

He said the concept of the glossary stemmed “from our desire to promote a sense of belonging for all of our students.”

There are even more ridiculous rules for students and faculty. Read more about them HERE.

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A private Manhattan school that charges $57,000 a year has issued a 12-page “inclusive language guide” to staff, students and parents which encourages them to stop using the terms “mom” and “dad,” among other ridiculous woke edicts to create a more welcoming environment.

The Daily Mail reports:

Grace Church School in NoHo has offered a 12-page guide to staff, students and parents that encourages them to stop using ‘mom’ and ‘dad’, to stop asking classmates where they may have gone on vacation. and urges them not to wish anyone a ‘Merry Christmas’  – or even a ‘Happy Holidays’.

The Episcopal school also offers courses and after-school programs for its students that include single-gender groups, a Roots of Empathy program, and a course called ‘Allying: Why? Who? and How?’ which is offered to seniors.

According to the guidelines, instead of using the words “mom” and “dad” students should say “grown-ups,” “folks,” or “family.”

Instead of using the word “parents,” students could use any of the above recommended terms, as well as “guardians.”

The terms “husband,” “wife,” “boyfriend,” and “girlfriend” should be replaced with “spouse,” “partner,” or “significant other.”

The schools new guidelines state, “While we recognize hateful language that promotes racism, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination are already addressed in our school handbooks, we also recognize that we can do more than ban hateful language; we can use language to create welcoming and inclusive spaces.”

Rev. Robert M. Pennoyer II, the assistant head of school, issued a statement about the inclusion glossary.

“As part of our Episcopal identity, we recognize the dignity and worth common to humanity,” he said.

He said the concept of the glossary stemmed “from our desire to promote a sense of belonging for all of our students.”

There are even more ridiculous rules for students and faculty. Read more about them HERE.