POLL: 60 Percent of Democrats and 75 Percent of Americans Support Voter ID Laws

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Media Says No Proof Of Election Fraud, Well Here's 3 States Worth of Proof

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In what may come as a shock poll to Democrats, Rasmussen Reports latest poll shows that a whopping 75 percent of Americans support voter ID laws—including 60 percent of Democrats!

Only 21 percent oppose the laws, which would require voters to show photo identification prior to casting their ballots.

Breitbart reports:

Democrats are currently pursuing federal legislation to override state voter ID laws. H.R. 1, the so-called “For the People Act,” has already passed the Democrat-controlled House and will soon be introduced in the Senate.

Many Democrats are calling for the filibuster to eliminated or reformed so that H.R. 1 can pass by a simple majority vote, ending voter ID.

According to Rasmussen, 89 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of Democrats and 77 percent of those who aren’t affiliated with either party support voter ID laws.

Overall, 31 percent of respondents said that voter ID laws were discriminatory, while 60 percent said the laws were not.

If Democrats get their way with H.R.1, it would eliminate state voter ID laws.

Breitbart points out, “H.R. 1 says states ‘may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot’ and lets voters to use a ‘sworn written statement’ rather than photo ID, which it calls a restriction on the right to vote.”