NYC Prep School Parents Outraged by ‘Sexuality Workshop’ Forced Upon Students

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A New York City prep school had students attend a health and sexuality workshop believing it was “just going to be about condoms or birth control” reports RedState, but “instead, they were treated to a teaching called ‘Pornography Literacy: An intersectional focus on mainstream porn.” Parents, however, had no idea their $47,000/year tuition for their children to attend the Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School was going towards “more than the usual reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic.”

The New York Post reports of the porn class which was taught by Justine Ang Fonte, the director or Health & Wellness at Dalton, another NYC prep school:

The often-explicit slide presentation and lecture by Fonte to the 120 boys and girls included lessons on how porn takes care of “three big male vulnerabilities”; statistics on the “orgasm gap” showing straight women have far fewer orgasms with their partners than gay men or women; and photos of partially-nude women, some in bondage, to analyze “what is porn and what is art.”

Fonte’s presentation, some of which was seen by The Post, included a list of the most searched pornographic terms of 2019, including “creampie,” “anal,” “gangbang,” “stepmom” and more.
One slide cited various porn genres such as “incest-themed,” consensual or “vanilla,” “barely legal,” and “kink and BDSM” (which included “waterboard electro” torture porn as an example).

One female student told the Post they were all shocked and texting each other. “We were all like, ‘What?’ Everyone was texting each other, ‘What the hell is this? It’s so stupid.’ Everyone knows about porn. The worst part of it was that it took place not long before the AP tests and I had to miss both my AP classes for this.”

The Post reported that one part of the porn presentation involved “marketability of Only Fans” an app used for sex work. One woman was highlighted in the presentation who said, “I identify as non-binary,’ she is quoted as saying, ‘but because that hasn’t hit the general consciousness of the adult industry, I say ‘girl,’ because that’s what people who want to buy my content will be looking for.”

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A New York City prep school had students attend a health and sexuality workshop believing it was “just going to be about condoms or birth control” reports RedState, but “instead, they were treated to a teaching called ‘Pornography Literacy: An intersectional focus on mainstream porn.” Parents, however, had no idea their $47,000/year tuition for their children to attend the Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School was going towards “more than the usual reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic.”

The New York Post reports of the porn class which was taught by Justine Ang Fonte, the director or Health & Wellness at Dalton, another NYC prep school:

The often-explicit slide presentation and lecture by Fonte to the 120 boys and girls included lessons on how porn takes care of “three big male vulnerabilities”; statistics on the “orgasm gap” showing straight women have far fewer orgasms with their partners than gay men or women; and photos of partially-nude women, some in bondage, to analyze “what is porn and what is art.”

Fonte’s presentation, some of which was seen by The Post, included a list of the most searched pornographic terms of 2019, including “creampie,” “anal,” “gangbang,” “stepmom” and more.
One slide cited various porn genres such as “incest-themed,” consensual or “vanilla,” “barely legal,” and “kink and BDSM” (which included “waterboard electro” torture porn as an example).

One female student told the Post they were all shocked and texting each other. “We were all like, ‘What?’ Everyone was texting each other, ‘What the hell is this? It’s so stupid.’ Everyone knows about porn. The worst part of it was that it took place not long before the AP tests and I had to miss both my AP classes for this.”

The Post reported that one part of the porn presentation involved “marketability of Only Fans” an app used for sex work. One woman was highlighted in the presentation who said, “I identify as non-binary,’ she is quoted as saying, ‘but because that hasn’t hit the general consciousness of the adult industry, I say ‘girl,’ because that’s what people who want to buy my content will be looking for.”