Notable Investor Unsure Trump ‘Will Be Allowed’ To Be President

Notable Investor Unsure Trump ‘Will Be Allowed’ To Be President

A top mathematician who has transitioned into a leading economist and investor has voiced concerns that the so-called ‘powers that be’ may prevent Donald Trump from becoming president again.

On Chris Williamson’s “Modern Wisdom” podcast this week, Eric Weinstein, former director of Thiel Capital, was discussing the possibility of President Joe Biden experiencing a debilitating event before the November election that could lead to Vice President Kamala Harris assuming the presidency. Weinstein then shifted the conversation to “the other part of it.”

“I don’t know whether Donald Trump will be allowed to become president” again, he began. “I think that there’s a remarkable story, and we’re in a funny game, which is, are we allowed to say what that story is? Because to say it, to analyze it, to name it, is to bring it into view,” he added after being pressed by the host, Williamson.

“I think we don’t understand why the censorship is behaving the way it is. We don’t understand why it’s in the shadows. We don’t understand why our news is acting in a bizarre fashion,” Weinstein said.

“So let’s just set the stage, given that that was in February. There is something that I think Mike Benz has just referred to as the Rules-Based International Order. It’s an interlocking series of agreements, tacit understandings, explicit understandings, clandestine understandings about how the most important structures keep the world free of war and keep markets open,” he continued.

The investor went on to explain there has been a system in place “that says that the purpose of the two American parties is to prune the field of populist candidates so that whatever two candidates exist in a face-off are both acceptable to that world order.”

After providing details about what the system could be, Weinstein noted, “So, what the two parties would do is they would run primaries. You have populist candidates, and you’d pre-commit the populist candidates to support the candidates who won the primaries. As long as that took place and you had two candidates that were both acceptable to the international order.”

“We called that democracy. And so, democracy was the illusion of choice, what’s called magicians’ choice, where the choice is not actually…you know, pick a card, any card, but somehow the magician makes sure that the card that you pick is the one that he knows,” Weinstein added. “In that situation, you have magicians’ choice in the primaries, and then you’d have the duopoly field, two candidates, either of which was acceptable, and you could actually afford to hold an election, and the populace would vote, and that way, the international order wasn’t put at risk every four years because you can’t have alliances that are subject to the whim of the people in plebiscites.”

He also said everything in ‘the system’ was fine until Trump managed to break through and get elected in 2016 when no one thought he could or would.

“They learned their lesson. You cannot afford to have candidates who are not acceptable to the international order and continue to have these alliances,” he concluded. “This is an unsolved problem.”



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