Nickelodeon Has Drag Queen Explain LGBTQ Pride Flag in Upbeat Music Video

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Nickelodeon is taking it upon themselves to teach your children about the gay, lesbian transgender and queer flags. A very flamboyant drag queen is enthusiastically singing a song about pride, sexuality and self-expression in a colorful and upbeat, almost psychedelic looking music video.

“Doesn’t it just fill you with pride, showing who you are on the inside?” the song asks.
“Wave the pride flag up high, be true to you” sings the drag queen with the pride rainbow and transgender flag flying in the background.

The colors of the flags are then gone through one by one and explained that “baby blue, pink white represent transgender people” and “black and brown represent the queer and transgender people of color.” Parents, is this what you want your children to be learning from the most popular tv network geared towards kids?

Seth Dillon tweeted the video with the caption, “Tell @Nickelodeon what you think about this. Tag them. DM them. Shame them. Bring back shame.”

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Nickelodeon is taking it upon themselves to teach your children about the gay, lesbian transgender and queer flags. A very flamboyant drag queen is enthusiastically singing a song about pride, sexuality and self-expression in a colorful and upbeat, almost psychedelic looking music video.

“Doesn’t it just fill you with pride, showing who you are on the inside?” the song asks.
“Wave the pride flag up high, be true to you” sings the drag queen with the pride rainbow and transgender flag flying in the background.

The colors of the flags are then gone through one by one and explained that “baby blue, pink white represent transgender people” and “black and brown represent the queer and transgender people of color.” Parents, is this what you want your children to be learning from the most popular tv network geared towards kids?

Seth Dillon tweeted the video with the caption, “Tell @Nickelodeon what you think about this. Tag them. DM them. Shame them. Bring back shame.”