Never-Trump Governor Offers Endorsement After Assassination Attempt

Never-Trump Governor Offers Endorsement After Assassination Attempt

A former Never-Trump governor has changed his mind after what he believes was a miracle that saved former President Donald Trump’s life.

Last Saturday an assassin’s bullet came within an inch of ending the life of the former president had he not moved his head by a fraction at the last minute.

And Republican Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, who had previously spoken against the former president, has now given him his endorsement.

“Thank you President Trump. This is a winning message and one our nation desperately needs right now. Utah stands ready to help you heal the division in our nation,” he said on X, formerly Twitter after the former president ga e his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention where he was formally named the Party’s nominee.

On Friday, the governor told reporters at his monthly news conference that he was giving the former president his endorsement.

“It was a very sobering moment. I spent the night distraught, worried about our nation and what we’ve become and who we are,” the governor said, Fox 13 reported. “I spent the next day, Sunday, in contemplation, prayed a lot and felt I just, felt that I need to write a letter to the former president.”

The letter was shared with Fox 13 who published some of the excerpts.

“Your life was spared. Now, because of that miracle, you have the opportunity to do something that no other person on earth can do right now: unify and save our country,” the governor said in the letter.

“My commitment to him is I would help him try to lower the temperature in this country,” he said at the press conference. “I sincerely hope, from what I’ve heard from people around him, that he’s committed to this that again this is something that hasn’t been high on his list in the past. I think that’s probably an understatement and so I’ll work closely with him to help do that.”

“I’m doing everything I can to help and support him. We’ll still have lots of disagreements, I’m sure, and we’ll still do everything we can to help the state of Utah and help the Republican party be successful,” he said. “I’m a proud conservative. I’m a little different conservative than maybe the party is today. I always considered myself a Ronald Reagan conservative and certainly there’s some differences between that and the party and I’m trying to be open and to learn from people who have different ideas within the party.”


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