McEnany Rips Co-Host For Making Debunked 'Suckers and Losers' Claim About Trump

McEnany Rips Co-Host For Making Debunked 'Suckers and Losers' Claim About Trump

On Thursday, former Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany challenged former Obama State Department spokesperson Marie Harf’s allegation that then-President Donald Trump called U.S. World War II dead “suckers” and “losers.”

Harf, appearing on “Outnumbered,” implied that his controversial statements about the military overshadowed instances of Trump’s compassion. McEnany, however, refuted the claim, asserting that it is unequivocally false to say that Trump disrespected veterans.

The former Obama official began by noting that Trump emerged from behind bulletproof glass during a rally on Wednesday to see about a rallygoer who had reportedly passed out, perhaps due to the heat.

“For every one of those compassionate moments, we have moments where President Trump calls military veterans who have died in the line of duty or gotten injured ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’ where he says awful things about people who have died for their country in service of their country, where he says terrible things about women in politics, sexist, awful misogynist things,” Harf said.

“So I agree that that was a nice moment. For those of us who’ve worked with Secret Service, every time the president does something that is not planned, it is nerve-racking for them, especially after what President Trump has been through,” she continued.

“But for every compassionate moment, there are 10 moments where he says terrible things about people, about Kamala Harris, about average Americans. He called Kamala Harris a very bad word I cannot repeat on this air,” she continued.

So, I think we see the full picture of Donald Trump as a person. And I think American people, more importantly, see that full picture and we hear from voters that that language he uses on those less gracious moments really matters to them,” Harf added.

In September 2020, The Atlantic reported, citing anonymous sources, that Trump had canceled a 2018 visit to a French cemetery where American troops are buried, allegedly calling them “suckers” and “losers.”

However, the story’s credibility has been challenged, with former national security adviser John Bolton denying that Trump used these terms and stating that the former president’s absence from the cemetery was due to weather and security concerns. Trump himself has repeatedly denied the allegation.

“[Marie] mentioned the ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’ alleged comments … I have never, in my entire time working around Trump, ever heard him disparage a member of the military, a fallen person who died for this country, ever,” McEnany responded.

“And, in fact, I worked on the response to that story and collected dozens of people in the administration who had been there since day one who said that never happened. So that’s reporting — not confirmed and unconfirmed. And I could say an outright lie based on my experience,” she said.



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