Mark Levin Scorches Biden Over Anti-Israel Stance, College Protests

Mark Levin Scorches Biden Over Anti-Israel Stance, College Protests

Fox News host Mark Levin tore into President Joe Biden and the Democrats for the anti-Israel protests that have been happening on college and university campuses nationwide.

He spoke to fellow Fox News host Sean Hannity this week about the protests and a variety of issues.

“Let’s start with the Hitler youth on our college and university campuses,” the Fox News host said. “Joe Biden has gaslit this entire thing with his comments about Israel, his attacks on Bibi Netanyahu, his attacks on Israel trying to defend itself against Gaza and all the rest, Joe Biden is responsible for much of the hate and that’s why he doesn’t stand up like a man, like a statesman and put it down and say it in unequivocal terms. This isn’t about Palestine. This is about terrorism on our college campuses.

“Joe Biden has been on the wrong side whether it was race and bigotry when he walked into the Senate, and now, it’s antisemitism. He’s the antisemite president, that’s what he is, the Third Reich in the Ivory Tower. It’s been written about, the Third Reich in the Ivory Tower, Hitler’s American friends, it’s been written about, buried by “The Times,” the American media, they’re all back,” the host said to Hannity.

“The Democrat Party, the Hitler youth on our campuses, and let me make a suggestion, America, aren’t you sick of paying for this? We need a BDS movement, a boycott, divest, and sanction movement for all of these universities and colleges, start defunding them, start defunding them, start eliminating tenure for these sanctimonious Marxist, Islamist professors. Take our college campuses back from the Soviet-style, you know, fanatics that run them,” he said.

“We don’t have to have these no-go zones in our country. These universities in our country. Notice, they’re all in Democrat cities, almost all in Democrat states,” he said. “This isn’t happening among Republicans and so forth.”


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