Lara Trump Issues Major Warning Ahead Of 2024 Election

Lara Trump Issues Major Warning Ahead Of 2024 Election

Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump has laid down the law on voter fraud, and those who are responsible should heed her warning.

The RNC co-chair said that there will be severe punishment for anyone who commits voter fraud in the 2024 elections.

“This year is the year we do it,” she said at the Turning Point USA’s convention in Detroit on Friday. “We are also sending a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election: we will find you, we will track you down, and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.”

She said the RNC has launched watchdogs and has created a hotline for poll watchers to report any issues they see.

“What we need to ensure is integrity in our electoral process,” she said at the event. “We can never go back and repeat 2020, but we can learn the lessons from 2020.”

CNN Guest host Kasie Hunt earlier asked Lara Trump the same question that the mainstream media has been asking any and every Republican they can find, and the RNC co-chair was set with her answer.

“Will you accept the results of the 2024 election?” the host said.

“Of course, if this is a free, fair, and transparent election, absolutely. Actually, we‘re doing everything we can from the RNC to ensure that, indeed, that happens. We are working overtime to make sure that every American Republican, Democrat, and Independent feels good about our electoral process because, Kasie, we can‘t repeat an election as we had in 2020, where you had half the country with huge sweeping questions about what happened that never got answered. That‘s not who we are as a country. We need transparency,” Lara Trump said.

“If Joe Biden wins, will you —” the host interrupted.

“If it is a free and fair election, absolutely, but will you guys? If Donald Trump wins, will you accept those results? Because that‘s the real question. Everybody has said, will we accept them? Of course, we will, but we want a free election and —” said Trump.

“Well, there was zero evidence of widespread fraud that could have changed the ultimate outcome in 2020,” Hunt interjected.

“Absolutely not. Most of those lawsuits were swept away on clerical errors. And actually, if you look at people who were told that the Hunter Biden laptop story was a fake story, enough of them would have voted against Joe Biden and for Donald Trump, that it solely would’ve swung the election in and of itself. So that alone is enough,” the RNC co-chair said.

“But then people really wanted to know, well, what happened across the country? We never got those answers. I can tell you, yes. We will accept the results of this election if we feel that it is free, fair, and transparent, and we are working overtime to ensure that indeed that happens,” she added.


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