John Kerry: Biden Wants Fossil Fuel Workers Who Lose Their Jobs to Make Solar Panels

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Media Says No Proof Of Election Fraud, Well Here's 3 States Worth of Proof

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On Wednesday John Kerry spoke on Joe Biden’s executive orders, the same orders that are seeing the loss of thousands of jobs, saying that he would like fossil fuel workers who lose their jobs to “have better choices” like going to make solar panels.

Kerry spoke of coal miners and getting black lung saying these workers could be solar power technicians instead, it would be a “better choice.”

Daily caller reports:

“So what President Biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives. They can be the people who go to work to make those solar panels,” Kerry noted. He said that a focus of the Biden climate plan is to grow clean energy jobs in the United States.

Kerry added that “workers have been fed a false narrative,” which he said is “no surprise.”

Biden’s climate plan has been met with resistance from those who say the president’s actions will cause thousands of people to lose their jobs. The president has pledged to invest $2 trillion into climate issues and combatting climate change. Most recently, the Washington Post reported that Biden is prepared to pause new federal oil and gas leasing, which was one of his campaign promises.

It has not been a good week for tens of thousands of families who will be affected by job loss due to these EO’s and told to just find a new career.


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On Wednesday John Kerry spoke on Joe Biden’s executive orders, the same orders that are seeing the loss of thousands of jobs, saying that he would like fossil fuel workers who lose their jobs to “have better choices” like going to make solar panels.

Kerry spoke of coal miners and getting black lung saying these workers could be solar power technicians instead, it would be a “better choice.”

Daily caller reports:

“So what President Biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives. They can be the people who go to work to make those solar panels,” Kerry noted. He said that a focus of the Biden climate plan is to grow clean energy jobs in the United States.

Kerry added that “workers have been fed a false narrative,” which he said is “no surprise.”

Biden’s climate plan has been met with resistance from those who say the president’s actions will cause thousands of people to lose their jobs. The president has pledged to invest $2 trillion into climate issues and combatting climate change. Most recently, the Washington Post reported that Biden is prepared to pause new federal oil and gas leasing, which was one of his campaign promises.

It has not been a good week for tens of thousands of families who will be affected by job loss due to these EO’s and told to just find a new career.