Jeep to “Pause” Commercial Featuring Bruce Springsteen After DWI Arrest

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Jeep has paused its ad campaign featuring singer Bruce Springsteen after it was revealed he was arrested for a DWI in November.

Jeep told CNBC in a statement, “It would be inappropriate for us to comment on the details of a matter we have only read about and we cannot substantiate. But it’s also right that we pause our Big Game commercial until the actual facts can be established. Its message of community and unity is as relevant as ever. As is the message that drinking and driving can never be condoned.”

The two-minute commercial titled “The Middle,” aired during the Super Bowl and called for unity in the United States.

Many have pointed out that Springsteen’s call for unity is in stark contrast to his recent statements and sentiments towards former president Donald Trump. writes:

Prior to Halloween in October, the musician presented another spoken-word poem on his “From My Home to Yours” radio show that he shared on Twitter. In it, he called for an “exorcism” in the capital, referencing the need to remove Trump and those who support him from office.

“It is time for an exorcism in our nation’s capital,” he begins. “Welcome to our Halloween/Election Day monster mash. This is Vol. 14 of ‘From My Home to Yours’ titled ‘Farewell to the Thief.’ In just a few days, we’ll be throwing the bums out. I thought it was a f—ing nightmare but it was so true.”

Springsteen’s arrest, which occurred in Sandy Hook, NJ, was confirmed by authorities yesterday and he faces charges including “DWI, reckless driving and consuming alcohol in a closed area,” according to a statement from a Gateway National Recreation Area public affairs officer.

Authorities stated the singer was “cooperative” throughout the process.

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Jeep has paused its ad campaign featuring singer Bruce Springsteen after it was revealed he was arrested for a DWI in November.

Jeep told CNBC in a statement, “It would be inappropriate for us to comment on the details of a matter we have only read about and we cannot substantiate. But it’s also right that we pause our Big Game commercial until the actual facts can be established. Its message of community and unity is as relevant as ever. As is the message that drinking and driving can never be condoned.”

The two-minute commercial titled “The Middle,” aired during the Super Bowl and called for unity in the United States.

Many have pointed out that Springsteen’s call for unity is in stark contrast to his recent statements and sentiments towards former president Donald Trump. writes:

Prior to Halloween in October, the musician presented another spoken-word poem on his “From My Home to Yours” radio show that he shared on Twitter. In it, he called for an “exorcism” in the capital, referencing the need to remove Trump and those who support him from office.

“It is time for an exorcism in our nation’s capital,” he begins. “Welcome to our Halloween/Election Day monster mash. This is Vol. 14 of ‘From My Home to Yours’ titled ‘Farewell to the Thief.’ In just a few days, we’ll be throwing the bums out. I thought it was a f—ing nightmare but it was so true.”

Springsteen’s arrest, which occurred in Sandy Hook, NJ, was confirmed by authorities yesterday and he faces charges including “DWI, reckless driving and consuming alcohol in a closed area,” according to a statement from a Gateway National Recreation Area public affairs officer.

Authorities stated the singer was “cooperative” throughout the process.