Hunter Biden’s “Art” Was Purchased by Dem Donors

Hunter Biden’s “Art” Was Purchased by Dem Donors

Georges Bergès, Hunter Biden’s art dealer, faced questioning by House Republicans on Tuesday, revealing that buyers of the paintings include Democratic donors.

When confronted by reporters about the donors, Bergès responded with a “no comment.”

Investigation findings disclosed that Democratic donors Kevin Morris and Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali were among the buyers.

Morris, a personal friend of Hunter, previously acquired his stake in a Chinese investment company and helped with legal troubles, buying the majority of Hunter’s artwork. Bergès received $875,000 from Morris for the art.

During the closed-door session, Bergès allegedly “admitted” that Hunter knew the identities of individuals spending money on 70% of his artwork. Naftali paid $42,000 in February 2021 and $52,000 in December 2022 for separate pieces. She was appointed to a commission between these purchases. Naftali’s attorney, in a letter to the Oversight Committee Chairman, defended her art purchases, stating they were unrelated to her connections with President Biden or Hunter, the Daily Mail reports.

House Republicans are set to discuss a resolution on Wednesday, recommending finding Hunter Biden in Contempt of Congress. The House Judiciary Committee will also participate in the markup meeting. The ongoing scrutiny of Hunter Biden’s art deals raises questions about potential connections between art transactions and political influence, particularly involving Democratic donors.


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