Heather Mac Donald: "Trump is the model positive masculinity"

Trump’s handling of his coronavirus diagnosis models positive masculinity—rational and unbowed

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San Fran Company Has Funneled $170 Million Of Taxpayer Dollars To Ultra Left-Wing Groups

Trump’s handling of his coronavirus diagnosis models positive masculinity—rational and unbowed

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The media and Democrat conglomerate gave no mercy in regards to President Trump’s positive Covid diagnosis, many claiming that he had it coming. Trump contracting the disease, they argue, discredits any coronavirus policy short of lockdowns and mandatory mask mandates.

And while it’s easy for them to say what they would do and how they would do it, the facts are clear. By closing the economy, the United States has depleted decades of hard work and dedication among small businesses, left millions jobless, shut down schools and left cities eerily quiet.

Though Trump has not been entirely consistent on his position on lockdowns and social distancing, he has emphasized the need to reopen the economy and get working again while Biden never stops arguing that getting the virus under control through a suspension of human activity is critical to reopening the economy.

The American people – specifically the Democrats – are always the first to criticize Trump in whatever move he makes, claiming he was too early, too late or not enough. And while the virus is serious, the President should tell the American people something that they need to hear: life must go on.

Unfortunately, there will be more cases and there will be more deaths – as there are with the flu – but we cannot continue to hinder our day-to-day lives and let this monstrous virus hold us back any longer.

To read Heather Mac Donald’s column, visit: https://www.city-journal.org/trump-coronavirus-diagnosis-models-positive-masculinity

OSU students admit to throwing away absentee ballots for Trump

Trump’s handling of his coronavirus diagnosis models positive masculinity—rational and unbowed

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The media and Democrat conglomerate gave no mercy in regards to President Trump’s positive Covid diagnosis, many claiming that he had it coming. Trump contracting the disease, they argue, discredits any coronavirus policy short of lockdowns and mandatory mask mandates.

And while it’s easy for them to say what they would do and how they would do it, the facts are clear. By closing the economy, the United States has depleted decades of hard work and dedication among small businesses, left millions jobless, shut down schools and left cities eerily quiet.

Though Trump has not been entirely consistent on his position on lockdowns and social distancing, he has emphasized the need to reopen the economy and get working again while Biden never stops arguing that getting the virus under control through a suspension of human activity is critical to reopening the economy.

The American people – specifically the Democrats – are always the first to criticize Trump in whatever move he makes, claiming he was too early, too late or not enough. And while the virus is serious, the President should tell the American people something that they need to hear: life must go on.

Unfortunately, there will be more cases and there will be more deaths – as there are with the flu – but we cannot continue to hinder our day-to-day lives and let this monstrous virus hold us back any longer.

To read Heather Mac Donald’s column, visit: https://www.city-journal.org/trump-coronavirus-diagnosis-models-positive-masculinity