Harvard Researchers: COVID Transmission Could Have Been Reduced if U.S. Paid Reparations

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Harvard researchers claim that COVID-19 transmission could have been significantly reduced in Louisiana had American minority households received hundreds of thousands of dollars in reparations before the pandemic.

Campus Reform reports:

A group of scholars led by Dr. Eugene Richardson and Dr. Momin Malik looked at differences in frontline work and overcrowded housing by race and used it to compare Louisiana, a racially and socioeconomically diverse state, with South Korea, a more racially and economically homogenous country. Their peer-reviewed study was published by the academic journal Social Science & Medicine.

The researchers wish to see a “reparations plan” of $800,000 per household or $250,000 per individual for descendants of slaves. They believe this would have helped eliminate the wealth gap and could have reduced the spread of the virus. 

They wrote in the study, “Reparations that allow people to not need frontline jobs would both spread the risk of these jobs across the population, and may also lead to overall higher wages and better working conditions in frontline work — if people are not forced to take such work out of desperation, especially during a pandemic, then wages and benefits would reflect the risk of these jobs.”

The authors believe, “All Black Americans, both those descended from persons enslaved in the US and those who are recent immigrants to the US, have a moral claim to reparations for the effects of ongoing systemic racism.”

For the full report, click HERE.

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Harvard researchers claim that COVID-19 transmission could have been significantly reduced in Louisiana had American minority households received hundreds of thousands of dollars in reparations before the pandemic.

Campus Reform reports:

A group of scholars led by Dr. Eugene Richardson and Dr. Momin Malik looked at differences in frontline work and overcrowded housing by race and used it to compare Louisiana, a racially and socioeconomically diverse state, with South Korea, a more racially and economically homogenous country. Their peer-reviewed study was published by the academic journal Social Science & Medicine.

The researchers wish to see a “reparations plan” of $800,000 per household or $250,000 per individual for descendants of slaves. They believe this would have helped eliminate the wealth gap and could have reduced the spread of the virus. 

They wrote in the study, “Reparations that allow people to not need frontline jobs would both spread the risk of these jobs across the population, and may also lead to overall higher wages and better working conditions in frontline work — if people are not forced to take such work out of desperation, especially during a pandemic, then wages and benefits would reflect the risk of these jobs.”

The authors believe, “All Black Americans, both those descended from persons enslaved in the US and those who are recent immigrants to the US, have a moral claim to reparations for the effects of ongoing systemic racism.”

For the full report, click HERE.