Georgia Dem Calls Clarence Thomas 'Uncle Tom' Over Statue Dedicated to SCOTUS Justice

Georgia Dem Calls Clarence Thomas 'Uncle Tom' Over Statue Dedicated to SCOTUS Justice

Once again, a black Democratic lawmaker has used a racial and cultural slur to describe another black figure who is conservative.

Reports this week noted that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will be immortalized in a statue planned for display in the Georgia state Capitol Building in Atlanta, but that was too much for State Senator Emanuel Jones, who expressed his disapproval using a familiar Democratic racial talking point.

As BizPac Review noted:

In his remarks opposing the statue, Sen. Jones referred to the iconic jurist as an “Uncle Tom” which is the preferred epithet for blacks who refuse to reside on the Democratic Party plantation, and accused Thomas of having “sold his soul to the slave master” in a nasty, racially charged rant.

“When we talk about a person of color that goes back historically, the days of slavery and that person betray in his own community, we have a term in the black community,” Jones said. “That term that we use is called Uncle Tom.’”

“And Uncle Tom is a either fictional or nonfictional character, I don’t really know the origin of Uncle Tom, but it talks about a person who, back during the days of slavery, sold his soul to the slave masters,” he added, admitting that he knew next to nothing about where the term originated, the 1852 anti-slavery novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Needless to say, Jones was blasted on social media for his narrow-minded intolerance.

“In the same breath that he says he doesn’t know the origin of ‘Uncle Tom,’ he uses it to describe Clarence Thomas for having the audacity to have his own beliefs,” tweeted Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.). “This language has no place in America, and certainly has no place on a Senate floor.”

Conservative columnist Jeff Jacoby added: “This Georgia legislator is so dumb, he doesn’t even know the source of the slur ‘Uncle Tom.’ But he knows that he abominates Clarence Thomas, who rose from desperate poverty to extraordinary eminence. Because Thomas is a conservative, this fool thinks he deserves to be smeared.”


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