GA Dems go Door-to-Door to Help Voters Correct their Ballots

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Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania

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Georgia Democrats held a training session last night to teach activists how to fix their ballots which were rejected on Election Day due to flaws including signature discrepancies or incorrect markings.

Breitbart reports:

Called ballot “curing,” the party is able to identify individuals who had defective ballots due to incorrect marking, mismatched signatures, or some other flaw. They are then visiting those voters in person and encouraging them to fix their ballots to count for the Democrats.

Breitbart News observed the training, called “Ballot Rescue Team In-Person Voter Outreach,” which took place Wednesday night and was conducted by Jessi Grass and Kim Hood, two out-of-state activists who are working on gathering votes in Georgia.

“We are still voting,” Grass told the group. She said the party is able to collect corrected ballots until 5:00 p.m. Friday.

Hood said she believed having signatures on ballots were tools of “suppression” and said the determination on mismatched signatures are made by “someone who is not a handwriting expert.”

According to Breitbart, Grass encouraged activists to have a “case worker mentality” and “’empathize’with voters, telling them the activist is just trying to make their vote count.”

It was made clear that the activists should only help Democrats and if they visit the home of a Republican they should not help the voter. Their goal is to “minimize knocking on doors of Republicans.”

Read the full story HERE.

Elections Officials in Michigan and Wisconsin Refuse To Explain Sudden Biden Vote Influx

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Georgia Democrats held a training session last night to teach activists how to fix their ballots which were rejected on Election Day due to flaws including signature discrepancies or incorrect markings.

Breitbart reports:

Called ballot “curing,” the party is able to identify individuals who had defective ballots due to incorrect marking, mismatched signatures, or some other flaw. They are then visiting those voters in person and encouraging them to fix their ballots to count for the Democrats.

Breitbart News observed the training, called “Ballot Rescue Team In-Person Voter Outreach,” which took place Wednesday night and was conducted by Jessi Grass and Kim Hood, two out-of-state activists who are working on gathering votes in Georgia.

“We are still voting,” Grass told the group. She said the party is able to collect corrected ballots until 5:00 p.m. Friday.

Hood said she believed having signatures on ballots were tools of “suppression” and said the determination on mismatched signatures are made by “someone who is not a handwriting expert.”

According to Breitbart, Grass encouraged activists to have a “case worker mentality” and “’empathize’with voters, telling them the activist is just trying to make their vote count.”

It was made clear that the activists should only help Democrats and if they visit the home of a Republican they should not help the voter. Their goal is to “minimize knocking on doors of Republicans.”

Read the full story HERE.