Frontline Doctors Summit: Psychiatrist Discusses the Pandemic of Delusional Psychosis

Dr. Mark McDonald discusses the hysteria surrounding COVID-19

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175 Doctors Send Letters to Debate Commission, Say in-Person Trump-Biden Debate Should Go On

Dr. Mark McDonald discusses the hysteria surrounding COVID-19

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Dr. Mark McDonald joined America’s Frontline Doctors Summit to discuss the “delusional psychosis” gripping the United States as a result of the hysteria surrounding COVID-19.

McDonald says irrational fear about the virus has created a mental illness amongst society and explains that there is irrefutable” evidence that Americans should not be afraid of the disease.

McDonald explains how it is not government pushing these harsh mask mandates, but corporations that are doing most of the damage. From rules for airlines, Uber, and even your kids’ soccer games, Americans have created a social point system like the one in China, where people are tattling on others if they aren’t wearing their masks properly and complying with what they deem to be socially acceptable and safe.

According to McDonald, healthy people should not be wearing masks or isolating themselves.

Check out the video of Dr. McDonald’s full breakdown of the delusional psychosis affecting so many Americans today above.

A WHOPPING 56% of Americans Say They are Better off Today (Mid-Pandemic) than Under Obama-Biden

Dr. Mark McDonald discusses the hysteria surrounding COVID-19

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Dr. Mark McDonald joined America’s Frontline Doctors Summit to discuss the “delusional psychosis” gripping the United States as a result of the hysteria surrounding COVID-19.

McDonald says irrational fear about the virus has created a mental illness amongst society and explains that there is irrefutable” evidence that Americans should not be afraid of the disease.

McDonald explains how it is not government pushing these harsh mask mandates, but corporations that are doing most of the damage. From rules for airlines, Uber, and even your kids’ soccer games, Americans have created a social point system like the one in China, where people are tattling on others if they aren’t wearing their masks properly and complying with what they deem to be socially acceptable and safe.

According to McDonald, healthy people should not be wearing masks or isolating themselves.

Check out the video of Dr. McDonald’s full breakdown of the delusional psychosis affecting so many Americans today above.