Former Clinton Advisor Says Trump Hitting Stride Ahead Of Debate With Biden

Former Clinton Advisor Says Trump Hitting Stride Ahead Of Debate With Biden

Former advisor to former President Bill Clinton, Dick Morris, believes that former President Donald Trump is hitting a “fine pitch” and it could be disastrous for President Joe Biden when the two meet to debate.

“As he goes up into the debate with Biden, the important thing is that he does the debate performance every single day, and he’s rehearsing every day,” he said on Newsmax. “And, he is in such a fine pitch right at the moment. I couldn’t ask him to be better, couldn’t ask him to be better going into the debate.”

“I’m struck by the fact that he has achieved a total consensus in the Republican Party,” he said to Newsmax host Rita Cosby. “It used to be that he was a divisive figure and that there were lots of people who disagreed with him on a lot of things.

“He really has become a united leader of the party. And I think his presidentiality is so much more evident than it was — than it is for Biden, certainly — or than it was for Trump in his first term,” he said.

Morris was speaking in reference to the former president’s appearance in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Friday, during which the former Clinton advisor said he was impressed with the former president’s approach.

“He was brilliant,” he said. “He was wonderful. He spoke for an hour and it was just fantastic every minute of it. No criticisms at all.

“The thing that I found extraordinary as he goes into this debate prep is that he stood up there for an hour and cited maybe 50 specific issue positions that he has on everything from men in women’s sports to Gaza, to Afghanistan, to the whole bit,” the former advisor said.

“And, as I listened to him, I realize that 90 plus percent of the Republican voters and most of the independents agree with every single thing he said,” he said.

“It’s not like he’s carving out positions that are minorities, there is such unity and such belief in an entire program,” he said. “I mean, everybody who is — basically the 60% of the country that more or less agrees with Trump on everything — is totally for him in a whole range of these issues, be it energy or electric vehicles, or any other topics.

“It’s not that he has a few supporters here or there, it’s that he has supporters who basically agree with his entire program,” he said.


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