Florida's Early Voter Turnout Indicates Very Big Day for Trump

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A WHOPPING 56% of Americans Say They are Better off Today (Mid-Pandemic) than Under Obama-Biden

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It’s looking very good for Trump in Florida as early voting is favoring him highly in the very important state.

Below is a look at the size of the crowd he held in Miami with people staying long after midnight.

As reported in the Gateway Pundit:

A Florida County which Obama won in 2012 is currently showing President Trump annihilating Sleepy Joe Biden:

In 2012, Obama won Pinellas County, Florida.

Today, Trump is ANNIHILATING Biden about 75%-25% in Pinellas. pic.twitter.com/BzbZZjdSUq

— AirBoss Analytics (@AirBossUT5) November 3, 2020
On the other hand, early results out of Democrat stronghold Broward County are abysmal:

Clark, a UCF historian and political analyst, said it’s been almost 100 years since a Republican has won the White House without taking the state of Florida.

The last time it happened was in 1924 with President Calvin Coolidge, said Clark.

Let’s keep this red wave going across the country. Hopefully Democrat election fraud does not affect the results, especially what we are seeing in the state of Pennsylvania.

BIDEN: 56 Percent of Americans “Probably Shouldn’t” Vote for Me

(function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:15056822524681062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-1575-7657"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//cdn2.decide.dev/_js/ajs.js";j.id=i;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs");

It’s looking very good for Trump in Florida as early voting is favoring him highly in the very important state.

Below is a look at the size of the crowd he held in Miami with people staying long after midnight.

As reported in the Gateway Pundit:

A Florida County which Obama won in 2012 is currently showing President Trump annihilating Sleepy Joe Biden:

In 2012, Obama won Pinellas County, Florida.

Today, Trump is ANNIHILATING Biden about 75%-25% in Pinellas. pic.twitter.com/BzbZZjdSUq

— AirBoss Analytics (@AirBossUT5) November 3, 2020
On the other hand, early results out of Democrat stronghold Broward County are abysmal:

Clark, a UCF historian and political analyst, said it’s been almost 100 years since a Republican has won the White House without taking the state of Florida.

The last time it happened was in 1924 with President Calvin Coolidge, said Clark.

Let’s keep this red wave going across the country. Hopefully Democrat election fraud does not affect the results, especially what we are seeing in the state of Pennsylvania.