Facebook Shut Down Prayer Page With Over 77 Million Followers Praying for Israel

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Facebook Official: Zuckerberg is “Ruler of 2 Billion People,” Company Should be Broken Up

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Mike Evans set up a Facebook page known as the “Jerusalem prayer Group.” Evans did the nice thing of leading the page’s followers, which reached nearly 80 million, in daily prayers for the safety of the people of Israel.

Suddenly the page was shut down. HotAir reports “in what Evans described as a coordinated act of cyberterrorism, the site was flooded with hundreds of thousands of hateful comments, most antisemitic in nature and some featuring Nazi pictures and propaganda, leading to complaints that his site was hosting hate speech. (Even though it was all in the comments.) So, Facebook shut him down, potentially permanently.”

The New York Posts reported:

Facebook shut down a pro-Israel page that reportedly had 77 million followers, after a “cyber terrorism” campaign by “radical Islamic” groups — who coordinated to target it with hate speech, its founder said.

“Jerusalem Prayer Group” founder Mike Evans claimed that critics bombarded the site with “more than a million” comments — and then said they had never posted to the site, CBN reported.

“There was an organized attempt by radical Islamic organizations to achieve this objective,” Evans said.

“It was a very clever, deceptive plan by Islamic radicals,” he said.

According to HotAir, when Evans raised his objections with Facebook he was informed that there was ‘no further action’ to be taken, and to “Please consider this decision final.” Facebook charged Evans of “inauthentic behavior” and representatives for the tech company told reporters that Evans’ page has “violated our rules against spam and inauthentic behavior.”

As is being conservative, supporting the existence of Israel is also a big-tech “no no.” As HotAir explains, “Facebook and Twitter have been on a hot streak ever since Hamas resumed its rocket attacks on Israel. Anyone who wants to publicly vent their hatred of Israel, accusing them of ‘war crimes’…is welcome to do so.” But, “if you’re defending Israel – or perhaps even just praying for the safety of the Jews – your page is engaging in ‘inauthentic behavior’ so you’re violating their terms of service.”

Facebook Says Any Content “In the Voice of President Trump” is Not Allowed on its Platforms

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Mike Evans set up a Facebook page known as the “Jerusalem prayer Group.” Evans did the nice thing of leading the page’s followers, which reached nearly 80 million, in daily prayers for the safety of the people of Israel.

Suddenly the page was shut down. HotAir reports “in what Evans described as a coordinated act of cyberterrorism, the site was flooded with hundreds of thousands of hateful comments, most antisemitic in nature and some featuring Nazi pictures and propaganda, leading to complaints that his site was hosting hate speech. (Even though it was all in the comments.) So, Facebook shut him down, potentially permanently.”

The New York Posts reported:

Facebook shut down a pro-Israel page that reportedly had 77 million followers, after a “cyber terrorism” campaign by “radical Islamic” groups — who coordinated to target it with hate speech, its founder said.

“Jerusalem Prayer Group” founder Mike Evans claimed that critics bombarded the site with “more than a million” comments — and then said they had never posted to the site, CBN reported.

“There was an organized attempt by radical Islamic organizations to achieve this objective,” Evans said.

“It was a very clever, deceptive plan by Islamic radicals,” he said.

According to HotAir, when Evans raised his objections with Facebook he was informed that there was ‘no further action’ to be taken, and to “Please consider this decision final.” Facebook charged Evans of “inauthentic behavior” and representatives for the tech company told reporters that Evans’ page has “violated our rules against spam and inauthentic behavior.”

As is being conservative, supporting the existence of Israel is also a big-tech “no no.” As HotAir explains, “Facebook and Twitter have been on a hot streak ever since Hamas resumed its rocket attacks on Israel. Anyone who wants to publicly vent their hatred of Israel, accusing them of ‘war crimes’…is welcome to do so.” But, “if you’re defending Israel – or perhaps even just praying for the safety of the Jews – your page is engaging in ‘inauthentic behavior’ so you’re violating their terms of service.”