Expert Tells Rogan Why Deep State Fears Trump So Much

Expert Tells Rogan Why Deep State Fears Trump So Much

Former President Donald Trump has maintained that the “deep state” is terrified of him being president and now an expert has backed his claims.

Former professor Bret Weinstein spoke to podcast host Joe Rogan and explained that  the establishment has concentrated so many powers in the presidency that it is terrified of someone they do not control having access to that power.

“It’s really the extremists on both sides that we are up against. But to the question of what Trump is doing with an issue like this, I want to make a couple points. One, I think there are two issues that are getting tangled. One, I think he’s politically going to some places that are not traditionally Republican. I think he’s destroyed the Republican Party. I just don’t see the same Republican Party I remember at all. I see a different thing and it’s flagged, the professor said.

“It’s a MAGA party,” said Rogan.

“Yeah, it’s a MAGA party. Right, exactly. And that’s a very different thing because I see a different thing and it’s flagged. It’s a MAGA party. Yeah, it’s a MAGA party. Right, exactly. And that’s a very different thing because I see MAGA as mostly the labor faction that was cut loose by the Democrats and the Clinton administration. And so they’ve now found a home under MAGA,” noted Weinstein before Rogan interjected that blue-collar workers are moving towards Republicans.

“Totally. And then Clinton turned the Democratic party into a second corporate party so that those people were homeless. And then Trump picked them up as MAGA and they’re now under the Republican banner. But it doesn’t read like the Republican Party at all to me. And now it’s picked up a, you know, I don’t want to say technocratic, that’s dismissive, but it’s got this Silicon Valley component to it,” Weinstein replied.

Later in the interview, the professor added, “What they did was load powers into the executive branch that were never supposed to be there. They created emperor-like discretion, and they gave those powers to the president, I think believing that they would never be in the hands of anybody that wasn’t on their team, right? And I’m not talking red or blue. I’m talking about inside versus outside. And one of the reasons that I think the reaction to Trump is what it was, is that he was taking over an office that had been given all of these exotic tools that he could in principle use against anybody. These are tools that are absolutely a violation of our Constitution, and yet they exist there. And so the need to prevent him from having access to those things was existential in their mind. And so anyway, the point is they created tools they never expected to be in the hands of someone else, and that is the situation, that’s the scenario you’re describing here as well.”


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