‘Dozens’ of House Republicans May Fight Back Against Electoral College Results

On January 6th, Congress will meet to tally the votes, but not without some level of push-back.

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Trump Campaign: Legislatures in PA, AZ and MI to Hold Hearings on Voter Fraud

On January 6th, Congress will meet to tally the votes, but not without some level of push-back.

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On Monday, Alabama Republican Representative Mo Brooks said “dozens” of House Republicans may object to the final Electoral College results. On January 6th, Congress will meet to tally the votes, but not without some level of push-back. Brooks has declared that the “overwhelming” and “compelling” evidence of “serious voter fraud and theft” is worthy of contesting the 306 electoral votes given to President-elect Joe Biden.

In speaking to Fox & Friends, Brooks said, “there are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion, as I have…we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and maybe more depending on where we collectively want to go.”

Brooks says it remains to be seen whether any senators will join them in objecting to the results, as allegedly Senate Republican leaders have suggested its members to not join the efforts. Senator John Thune (R-SD) said, “I just don’t think it makes a lot of sense to put everybody through this when you know what the ultimate outcome is going to be.”

National Review reports “House Republicans may be able to force a vote on certification of the election, though the effort will almost certainly fail in the Democrat-controlled body.” Brooks, nonetheless, believes it’s worth a fight, pushing back against critics. “Well, it is sad to the extent that we’ve got Republicans who are unwilling to do their homework or unwilling to make tough decisions.”

Results currently stand with Trump receiving 232 Electoral Votes, trailing behind former vice president Joe Biden’s 306 votes.

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On January 6th, Congress will meet to tally the votes, but not without some level of push-back.

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On Monday, Alabama Republican Representative Mo Brooks said “dozens” of House Republicans may object to the final Electoral College results. On January 6th, Congress will meet to tally the votes, but not without some level of push-back. Brooks has declared that the “overwhelming” and “compelling” evidence of “serious voter fraud and theft” is worthy of contesting the 306 electoral votes given to President-elect Joe Biden.

In speaking to Fox & Friends, Brooks said, “there are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion, as I have…we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and maybe more depending on where we collectively want to go.”

Brooks says it remains to be seen whether any senators will join them in objecting to the results, as allegedly Senate Republican leaders have suggested its members to not join the efforts. Senator John Thune (R-SD) said, “I just don’t think it makes a lot of sense to put everybody through this when you know what the ultimate outcome is going to be.”

National Review reports “House Republicans may be able to force a vote on certification of the election, though the effort will almost certainly fail in the Democrat-controlled body.” Brooks, nonetheless, believes it’s worth a fight, pushing back against critics. “Well, it is sad to the extent that we’ve got Republicans who are unwilling to do their homework or unwilling to make tough decisions.”

Results currently stand with Trump receiving 232 Electoral Votes, trailing behind former vice president Joe Biden’s 306 votes.