DeSantis Rips NY Times After 8 ISIS-Linked Terrorists Arrested: 'I Was Right'

DeSantis Rips NY Times After 8 ISIS-Linked Terrorists Arrested: 'I Was Right'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis tore into The New York Times after it was reported that people with ties to ISIS were caught after crossing the Southern border.

It was last year when the Florida governor said, during a Republican presidential primary debate, that the United States faced a security threat from President Joe Biden’s border crisis, but The Times “fact-checked” him on the assertion.

“If you look at the threats that we face, terrorists have come in through our southern border,” the governor said at the debate.

“This is false,” liberal New York Times columnist Eileen Sullivan said.

“Since 1975, no one has been killed or injured in a terrorist attack in the United States that involved someone who came across the border illegally,” she said, which is not what the governor said.

When he appeared on Fox News, the governor commented on the story and tore into The Times and the fact checker.

“I said this last fall that — and it wasn’t even just me spitballing, Biden’s own DHS has acknowledged there were hundreds of people on the terror watch list,”  the governor told host Sean Hannity. “You can’t have 10 million people come and not have potential terrorists come across the border, especially when we have people from the Middle East.”

“So now we know without a shadow of a doubt that we have ISIS folks who have been identified and apprehended,” he said.

“The New York Times was wrong. The New York Times was putting forth a narrative that they were running interference for Joe Biden. What I said was correct at the time, and it remains correct today, but I am not gonna hold my breath asking for an apology. I think a lot of these corporate media outlets it’s drive-by journalism. They say what they want, and then they just forget about when it’s obvious they were wrong,” he said.



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