Democrat Political Strategist Drops Hammer On Harris In Brutal Fox Interview

Democrat Political Strategist Drops Hammer On Harris In Brutal Fox Interview

Vice President Kamala Harris is inexplicably gaining popularity according to polls, and it does not appear to be based on anything.

Former Clinton strategist Mark Penn spoke to Fox News anchor Brett Baier and said she is getting by on being liked and not on any specific policies.

“Also in this FOX poll, groups that Trump leads with, Mark, you look at that. Those who attend worship, big lead. White men, no degree. Again, a big lead. Rural voters, 57-41. Men overall, 52-46,” the anchor said.

“And the flip side, what I looked at on the groups that support Harris, Black voters, that’s a pretty high number for a Republican. And as you go down that list, there are also traditional not-great groups for Republicans that he’s doing better with,” Baier added.

But Penn responded that her lead is essentially built on a house of cards, and if former President Donald Trump sticks to the issues, he could defeat her.

“Well, look, I think the atmospherics behind the poll favor Trump. He’s generally got a good record on immigration, on economy, on crime. I think Latino voters, who have really surged to be almost 15 percent of the electorate, really care about bread-and-butter economic issues. But the campaign, I agree, hasn’t stopped the Kamala-mentum,” the former advisor said.

“She is getting by on just being liked, not on the basis of any policies. And he has yet to really draw a clear economic contrast with her that sticks with the voters. He could do it,” Penn continued.

“The atmospherics or behind-the-scenes are there. People think he did a better job as president than President Biden or than she’ll do. But he just hasn’t delivered. He spends too much time on immigration, too much time on side issues. And I don’t know why anybody would do a rally in New York if I were Donald Trump,” he said.


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