Dem Reps Wanted In To Expose Child Migrant Facilities Under Trump, Now They Don't Think You Should See Inside

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What Crisis? Report Claims TX Migrant Facility Hits 729% Capacity, Kids Going Hungry

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After Democrats held photo-ops at border facilities and perpetuated false narratives under the Trump Administration over its handling of illegal migrant children, they no longer think it’s “appropriate” for journalists to cover the facilities now that Biden is in charge.

Democrat Rep. Linda Sanchez of California spoke with CNN’s Poppy Harlow yesterday and said, “I don’t necessarily think it’s appropriate for journalists to be inside centers that are not permanent places for children.” 

Harlow said to Sanchez, “All of our reporters down there have been asking non-stop to get into these facilities where [DHS Secretary] Alejandro Mayorkas just said are not meant for children. These CBP facilities—are you concerned that the lack of transparency from the administration not allowing any journalist inside?”

Sanchez replied, “I will tell you that under the Trump Administration, members of Congress were not allowed inside these facilities.”

Harlow gave a perplexed look when hearing Sanchez’s response and said, “That just doesn’t mean anything now, respectfully congresswoman. Cleary you were upset about that lack of transparency, are you concerned about this lack of transparency?”

Sanchez went on to ramble off excuses about COVID-19 and claimed we were in “unprecedented” times.

See their full exchange below.

1,600 Illegal Immigrants, Including Known Criminals Arrested in Only 3 Days at Border

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After Democrats held photo-ops at border facilities and perpetuated false narratives under the Trump Administration over its handling of illegal migrant children, they no longer think it’s “appropriate” for journalists to cover the facilities now that Biden is in charge.

Democrat Rep. Linda Sanchez of California spoke with CNN’s Poppy Harlow yesterday and said, “I don’t necessarily think it’s appropriate for journalists to be inside centers that are not permanent places for children.” 

Harlow said to Sanchez, “All of our reporters down there have been asking non-stop to get into these facilities where [DHS Secretary] Alejandro Mayorkas just said are not meant for children. These CBP facilities—are you concerned that the lack of transparency from the administration not allowing any journalist inside?”

Sanchez replied, “I will tell you that under the Trump Administration, members of Congress were not allowed inside these facilities.”

Harlow gave a perplexed look when hearing Sanchez’s response and said, “That just doesn’t mean anything now, respectfully congresswoman. Cleary you were upset about that lack of transparency, are you concerned about this lack of transparency?”

Sanchez went on to ramble off excuses about COVID-19 and claimed we were in “unprecedented” times.

See their full exchange below.