Corporate Insider Who Helped Companies Go Woke Now Says He 'Regrets' Move

Corporate Insider Who Helped Companies Go Woke Now Says He 'Regrets' Move

A former president of the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay conservative group, has expressed regret over his past work helping corporations and businesses become more “woke,” but he now hopes that society can reverse this trend.

New Tolerance Campaign President Gregory T. Angelo admitted his “partial responsibility” for helping to establish a “precedent decades ago that has since created a new mess in America,” Fox Business reported.

“There was a precedent that was set as a result of gay advocates successfully convincing major corporations to weigh in on issues related to same-sex marriage, to LGBT nondiscrimination legislation,” Angelo said during an interview on “Fox & Friends First” Friday. “As a result, not only did these CEOs feel emboldened, but they thought the public was on their side and the public would react in the same way to the support that they got for things like same-sex marriage.”

As an example, Bud Light recently became embroiled in a huge controversy that cost the brand billions in market share for partnering with trans activist Dylan Mulvaney, a biological male who identifies as female.

“The fact that we have seen Bud Lights stock fall so quickly, the fact that Bud Light has not posted on social media in almost 14 days, ever since this controversy erupted, shows that Bud Light has had their heels cooled on this issue,” Angelo argued.

Angelo, as the former president of Log Cabin Republicans, was involved in advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and encouraging major companies to support them almost a decade ago, Fox Business reported.

“I was one person of many at a time where gay advocates were working with major corporations, senior executives leaning on them to weigh in in support of things like same-sex marriage, in support of legislation that would make it illegal to fire someone because of their sexual orientation. Those were all pieces of legislation and policies that I supported,” Angelo noted.


“But looking back 10 years ago and what has transpired since, I see that if gay issues were not the flashpoint, the inflection point that actually made CEOs comfortable with the idea of weighing in on contentious social issues, it was most definitely the prime accelerant… There was precedent that was set, a precedent that has now led major corporations to weigh in on everything from abortion to Black Lives Matter to so-called voting rights bills,” he told the morning show.

The Walt Disney Company, a family entertainment brand, has also faced backlash for promoting a woke ideology in some of its movies, such as “Strange World” and “Lightyear,” leading to widespread frustration among millions of viewers.

ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investments have become another facet of the trend of companies going woke. ESG investing is based on the idea that investors should consider these three broad categories when deciding where to allocate their funds, with a focus on progressive values and promoting “social responsibility” in financial decision-making, the business news outlet noted further.

Angelo argued that the increasing involvement of corporations in woke issues in spite of consumer pushback shows “a major disconnect between CEOs and the consumers that they are marketing to.”

“There’s basically been an insulation that you’ve seen happen among CEOs where even though… the overwhelming majority of the public, 63%, according to the most recent Wall Street Journal poll, do not want CEOs weighing in on contentious cultural issues. Sixty-three percent of CEOs feel it is their duty and obligation to do so,” Angelo said.

He then added: “If you want to get involved in politics, fine. Run for office. If you want to run a company, focus on the bottom line. That seems to be the message that more and more CEOs are waking up to because more and more Americans are getting that message to them.”


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