Conservative Student Said She Was 'Hunted' By Others, Forced to Hide in Bathroom to Escape Leftist Mob at Allen West Event

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She added in a statement on Friday: “I am unbelievably disturbed that I was chased by a leftist mob and scared for my life on my college campus all for hosting Lt. Col. Allen West, a conservative speaker. The assault on free speech at the University at Buffalo by an angry mob is incredibly unacceptable.”

According to local reports, the university and its police department have launched investigations into various allegations of violence and who may have been responsible, but no arrests have been made and frankly, no one should expect there to be any.

“The university is conducting a thorough review of events and activities leading up to, during, and after an appearance by former congressman and retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West, including the posting of anonymous social media messages threatening students protesting West’s speech and harassment of students after the speech,” the school said Friday.