Conservative Groups At The University Of FL Get Suspended Over COVID-19 Rules

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Three conservative student organizations at the University of Florida have reportedly been suspended for allegedly violating the school’s COVID-19 policies.

The three organizations, Turning Point USA, Young Americans for Freedom, and Network of Enlightened Women chapters were told by Heather White, who is the University of Florida Dean of Students, that they “were observed not complying with” the school’s rules and regulations surrounding COVID-19 and were indefinitely suspended “pending resolution of the allegations.”

Daily Caller reports:

In a letter obtained by Campus Reform, White alleged that the Turning Point chapter had violated university policy by hosting an unsanctioned and unregistered event on “Norman Field,” an outdoor public field located on the university’s campus. White also stated that some chapter members were observed not wearing “appropriate face coverings” or maintaining “appropriate physical distance.”

The suspension means that, according to the letter, the groups will lose “all privileges and access to all campus resources and services, for a period of time, including, but not limited to, the use of University space, participation in University programs, activities, events and services, and registration of gatherings and events.”

Abigail Streetman is the secretary of the University of Florida Turning Point chapter and she told Campus Reform, “The event in question took place outside in a big open field with people wearing masks. Given such circumstances, the university’s decision to suspend all of the clubs seems extreme.”

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), commented on the story saying, “Leftist at universities have always wanted to silence young conservatives. STAND STRONG!”


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Three conservative student organizations at the University of Florida have reportedly been suspended for allegedly violating the school’s COVID-19 policies.

The three organizations, Turning Point USA, Young Americans for Freedom, and Network of Enlightened Women chapters were told by Heather White, who is the University of Florida Dean of Students, that they “were observed not complying with” the school’s rules and regulations surrounding COVID-19 and were indefinitely suspended “pending resolution of the allegations.”

Daily Caller reports:

In a letter obtained by Campus Reform, White alleged that the Turning Point chapter had violated university policy by hosting an unsanctioned and unregistered event on “Norman Field,” an outdoor public field located on the university’s campus. White also stated that some chapter members were observed not wearing “appropriate face coverings” or maintaining “appropriate physical distance.”

The suspension means that, according to the letter, the groups will lose “all privileges and access to all campus resources and services, for a period of time, including, but not limited to, the use of University space, participation in University programs, activities, events and services, and registration of gatherings and events.”

Abigail Streetman is the secretary of the University of Florida Turning Point chapter and she told Campus Reform, “The event in question took place outside in a big open field with people wearing masks. Given such circumstances, the university’s decision to suspend all of the clubs seems extreme.”

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), commented on the story saying, “Leftist at universities have always wanted to silence young conservatives. STAND STRONG!”