College Event says “Terrorism” is what “Trumpism” is at its Core

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A Bill Pushing Left Leaning Politics Into the Classroom in Illinois Has Officially Passed

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An event hosted by Berea College in Kentucky called “White Citizenship as Terrorism: Make America Great Again, Again” argues that supporting President Trump is “terrorism” at its core.

The event, which is co-sponsored by the college’s Women’s and Gender Non-Conforming Center and the Law, Ethics and Society Group, takes place on March 17.

According to the Federalist, a flyer of the event states: 

Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ appears to follow suit by offering a seemingly benign promise to return to America to a previously ‘great’ past. But the offer to ‘Make America Great Again, Again’ requires we refocus on how the last four years of daily tweets and administrative actions redefine whiteness. If terrorism is redefined as the use of violence and threats to create a state of fear toward particular communities and identities, then this is what ‘Trumpism’ is at its core.

The keynote address at the event will be given by Amy L. Brandzel, an assistant professor of women studies at the University of New Mexico, and the author of  “Against Citizenship: The Violence of the Normative.”

In her book, Brandzel says citizenship is a “violent dehumanizing mechanism” and that, “citizenship requires anti-intersectionality, that is, strategies that deny the mutuality and contingency of race, class, gender, sexuality and nation…”

For the full report, click HERE.

New Jersey Passes Bill that Requires "Social Justice" and Racism Education in Public Schools

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An event hosted by Berea College in Kentucky called “White Citizenship as Terrorism: Make America Great Again, Again” argues that supporting President Trump is “terrorism” at its core.

The event, which is co-sponsored by the college’s Women’s and Gender Non-Conforming Center and the Law, Ethics and Society Group, takes place on March 17.

According to the Federalist, a flyer of the event states: 

Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ appears to follow suit by offering a seemingly benign promise to return to America to a previously ‘great’ past. But the offer to ‘Make America Great Again, Again’ requires we refocus on how the last four years of daily tweets and administrative actions redefine whiteness. If terrorism is redefined as the use of violence and threats to create a state of fear toward particular communities and identities, then this is what ‘Trumpism’ is at its core.

The keynote address at the event will be given by Amy L. Brandzel, an assistant professor of women studies at the University of New Mexico, and the author of  “Against Citizenship: The Violence of the Normative.”

In her book, Brandzel says citizenship is a “violent dehumanizing mechanism” and that, “citizenship requires anti-intersectionality, that is, strategies that deny the mutuality and contingency of race, class, gender, sexuality and nation…”

For the full report, click HERE.