CNN Commentator Roasts Biden For SCOTUS Rant After Violating Student Loan Order

CNN Commentator Roasts Biden For SCOTUS Rant After Violating Student Loan Order

President Joe Biden and the Democrat Party have warned of the danger of attacking institutions, but that does not apply to the Supreme Court, apparently.

CNN conservative commentator Scott Jennings shredded the president after he gave a speech on Monday where he attacked the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity from prosecution.

“Joe Biden, after cannonballing into an empty swimming pool on Thursday night, came out tonight and spoke for four minutes off of a teleprompter. He’s good for four minutes today, as long as somebody else wrote it,” the commentator said.

“After having this completely tone-deaf sort of announcement coming out of this meeting that you wrote about with his family this weekend, where his son, the notorious influence peddler and crack addict, Hunter Biden says, you got to keep going,” added Jennings.

“Also, they were hanging out with Annie Leibovitz, the photographer, which I wasn’t even aware she was taking mugshots now. This entire thing since Thursday has been one tone-deaf political disaster after another,” the conservative said.

“Tonight, he comes out and attacks the Supreme Court and says, oh, the president can now do whatever he wants. The same guy, by the way, whose centerpiece of his speeches is, the Supreme Court tried to stop me. They blocked me, but they’ll never stop me on student loans. I don’t know what they are doing, because they don’t know what they’re doing, and no one in America knows what they’re doing, and that’s why Donald Trump’s beating his brains in right now,” Jennings continued.

In his speech on Monday, the president used the Supreme Court’s decision to campaign.

“The American people must decide whether Donald Trump’s assault on our democracy on Jan. 6 makes him unfit for public office in the highest office in the land. The American people must decide if Trump’s embrace of violence, to preserve his power, is acceptable,” the president said.

“Perhaps most importantly, the American people must decide if they want to trust the … presidency to Donald Trump,” Biden noted.


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