China Lied, People Died: Inside China’s Death Labs

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China Claims New Avian Flu Virus ‘Accidental Cross-Species Transmission’ With Low Risk of Large-Scale Spread

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Just a reminder that over one full year ago, on May 3, 2020, Turning Point USA released a video detailing the COVID-19 virus origins. Mainstream media and liberal giant tech companies silenced us. Yet here we are, with everything we reported not only still accurate, but also the content has been confirmed time and time again since its release.

The caption we wrote for the video in 2020 has not weathered with time, either:

“The Chinese CoronaVirus pandemic is one of the most consequential global events in world history. Hundreds of thousands dead. Trillions in economic damage. How did this happen? Who is responsible? What you’re about to hear is a true story, backed by scientific evidence and hard facts. There are those who witnessed how this happened. People died to tell you this story. Listen to them. Otherwise, it is going to happen again.”

Cancel Culture Hits Virus-Naming, COVID Variants Given Greek Alphabet Names to Avoid ‘Stigma’

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Just a reminder that over one full year ago, on May 3, 2020, Turning Point USA released a video detailing the COVID-19 virus origins. Mainstream media and liberal giant tech companies silenced us. Yet here we are, with everything we reported not only still accurate, but also the content has been confirmed time and time again since its release.

The caption we wrote for the video in 2020 has not weathered with time, either:

“The Chinese CoronaVirus pandemic is one of the most consequential global events in world history. Hundreds of thousands dead. Trillions in economic damage. How did this happen? Who is responsible? What you’re about to hear is a true story, backed by scientific evidence and hard facts. There are those who witnessed how this happened. People died to tell you this story. Listen to them. Otherwise, it is going to happen again.”