Cheney Beclowns Herself With Unhinged Rant About Trump

Cheney Beclowns Herself With Unhinged Rant About Trump

In case you didn’t know it, former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming) has written a book, and it’s about to be published, so she’s making the rounds with news outlets that used to trash her before she became one of former President Donald Trump’s biggest critics.

On Monday, Cheney joined the TODAY Show to discuss the tome, “Oath and Honor,” where she made what can only be described as an unhinged claim.

“A vote for Donald Trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in,” she said, adding that Trump would refuse to leave office if he wins again next year and install himself as the permanent president.

Worse, none of the TODAY hosts called out the ridiculous claim, but rather, they allowed her to continue.

“There’s no question,” she said. “Absolutely. He’s already done it once. … He’s already attempted to seize power, and he was stopped, thankfully, and for the good of the nation and the republic. But he said he will do it again. He’s expressed no remorse for what he did.”

In reality, Trump has never said he would not leave office if he wins again next year. And he didn’t ‘attempt to seize power’ after he lost the 2020 election; he merely questioned the results in several battleground states much the same way Democrats questioned them after he won in 2016 — after which nearly all of them to a person claimed he was an “illegitimate president.” Challenging results based on what his attorneys at the time were telling him is not akin to “seizing power.”

And after he lost his cases, by the way, Trump peacefully left office and Joe Biden was sworn in.


In August 2022, after Cheney got blown out by now-Rep. Harriet Hageman in the state’s GOP primary, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich unloaded on the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

In an appearance at the time on the TODAY Show, Cheney reflected on her loss to Hageman while also ripping her party and then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for aligning with Trump publicly following the Jan. 6 riot after allegedly criticizing him in private.

“To go back home to the people that you claim to represent, to only get 29% support and then decide that the other 61 that they’re the ones who are wrong. They’re the ones who are sick,” Gingrich told Fox News then.

“I think that Liz has arrogated to herself a standard of being the moral judge of millions and millions of Americans, around 73 or 75 million Americans who voted for Trump because they’re ‘sick.’ They voted for Trump because they deeply dislike the establishment. And no matter what you tell them about Trump, they dislike the establishment even more,” he added.

“And so it’s amazing to me that nobody who’s in the anti-Trump faction has stopped to say, ‘what is it we’re doing that repels so many Americans?’ Wyoming’s a great example. The Cheney name was at one time magic. Now it doesn’t just get beat, it gets humiliated. I mean, 29% is a sign that – take away the Democrats who switched parties to vote for her – she got probably one in every four Republicans. It’s amazing. So I don’t take what she says very seriously,” Gingrich noted further.


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