Charlie Kirk Takes House Republicans to Task Over Refusal to Defund Biden's Politicized DOJ

Charlie Kirk Takes House Republicans to Task Over Refusal to Defund Biden's Politicized DOJ

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk singled out House Republican leaders for refusing to do more to defund what he and many conservatives believe is a weaponized and politicized Justice Department and FBI, which has been problematic now for years but has gone into overdrive during Joe Biden’s presidency.

He also singled out Biden’s DOJ and FBI for what he sees as obvious election interference with ongoing prosecutions of Biden’s chief political rival, former President Donald Trump.

Here’s a partial transcript of Kirk discussing the issue Thursday on his Real America’s Voice program:

I keep hearing “interfering, interfering, interfering.” Let’s be more clear: They are destroying an election, they are eliminating an election. That’s what this is, that you don’t get to have elections. They’re demolishing the election.

We are promised elections in the United States Constitution. The Deep Stae, the fourth branch of government, doesn’t want the people to be able to have a voice.

So it is all coming to a head on September 30. And Republicans have enough power to do something about this.

A fair amount of you are emailing us [saying] Republicans won’t do anything, they will cower in fear. You are probably right, but that does not mean we should not set the standard and ask for the order and put as much grassroots pressure as possible. This is not a tough act, it is very simple. No Jack Smith. No special counsel, DOJ, it is not going to happen.

Congress controls the purse. Congress controls the authorization of the money, and now it is coming down to the money. You think about it, who checks who? Congress is supposed to have the check and balance over these agencies. Over the EPA, IRS, SEC, DOJ, DHS, so why would we subsidize our political abusers?

It’s really sadistic when you think about it. Here’s more money to imprison my political party. So we’re basically subsidizing weapons that are aimed against us. We’re gun-running our own death. That’s exactly what the House Republicans are faced with.

If we were to be even more bold, if we had an actual political party that was an opposition party, not a controlled-opposition party, we would say no new building, FBI. You have to reduce your headcount by 30-40%. We would go after Merrick Garland. I mean, these are important things that we would be doing. We’re not.

So let’s just focus on Jack Smith. Is this that unrealistic? I want you to imagine if Donald Trump was president and there was a special counsel that was appointed by Bill Barr that was actively looking into a major presidential candidate of their choosing or their liking, how do you think Democrats would respond? Democrats would defund this in a second, they wouldn’t put up with this.

So why is it that Democrats mean business and our side runs for the hills? The regime is indicting a former president. The regime is targeting moms and parents at school boards. The regime is forcing LGBTQI+ woke garbage on our kids, colleges, and military. The regime has turned federal agencies into get-out-the-vote centers for the Democratic Party. The regime is funneling hundreds of billions of dollars into a quagmire to corrupt Ukraine. The regime is forcing Russia into China’s hands and the expansion of BRICS, the regime is fueling a de-dollarization movement globally to decouple from the U.S. dollar. The regime is enabling millions of illegals to invade America. In fact, Joe Biden will probably be on pace to let in 10 million border jumpers and criminals into the country. 10 million!



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