CA Loses Congressional Seat Over Change In Population

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California Public School Children Could be Forced to Sing Chants to Aztec God of Human Sacrifice

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Due to record slow population growth in the state, California will see its 53-member delegation reduced to 52, marking the first time in its 170 years of statehood that it will lose a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Although California is still the most populous state in the U.S. with just under 40 million people, it has seen it’s slowest growth rate over the past decade at just 0.06%.

CA Bill Would Fine Stores $1,000 if they Have Separate “Boys” and “Girls” Sections

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Due to record slow population growth in the state, California will see its 53-member delegation reduced to 52, marking the first time in its 170 years of statehood that it will lose a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Although California is still the most populous state in the U.S. with just under 40 million people, it has seen it’s slowest growth rate over the past decade at just 0.06%.