Bill Barr Warns 'Another Biden Term Will Be National Suicide'

Bill Barr Warns 'Another Biden Term Will Be National Suicide'

Former Attorney General Bill Barr has had many negative things to say about the man he worked for, former President Donald Trump, but his opinion of President Joe Biden is far worse.

And now he is sounding the alarm, saying that another stint of Joe Biden in the White House for four more years would be akin to national suicide.

“Well, I’ve said all along, you know, given two bad choices, I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country and in my mind that’s — I will vote the Republican ticket,” the former attorney general said in an interview with Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.” “I will support the Republican ticket.”

He said that he believed President Biden is pursuing an extremely dangerous agenda, that he said is “the real danger to the country, the real danger to democracy.”

“Trump may be playing Russian roulette, but a continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide, in my opinion,” he added.

“The choice now is a binary choice between these two candidates, and of the two, I support President Trump. And one of the reasons is because I think many of our critical problems, including deregulation, crime, restoring law and order, restoring control over our borders, rebuilding our defense in this increasingly dangerous world, standing by our allies, I trust President Trump to do that much more so than President Biden, I think. And I also worry very much that in the batting circle with Joe Biden is Vice President Kamala Harris. I feel that under these circumstances, the Republicans have to win in November,” Barr declared.

His comments were then reinforced when he spoke to CNN.

Barr did not waiver from his support of his former boss, former President Donald Trump, no matter how much he was pressured.

CNN anchor Kaitlin Collins gave a full-court press to the former attorney general to get him to change his mind but it did not work.

“So it’s not about me. I think that I’ve said this all along. If faced with a choice between two people, neither of which I think should be president, I feel it’s my duty to pick the person who I think would do the least damage to the country,” he said to the host. “And I think Trump would do less damage than Biden. And I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy, I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement and the Biden administration.”

“The Biden administration, or President Biden himself,” the host hit back.

“Biden’s support for the progressive agenda,” the former attorney general said.

The host insisted that Americans were losing their freedoms and that the former president was a “threat to democracy,” but that did not work either.

“Well, where are we losing our freedoms?” Barr said. “How are our freedoms being constrained. They’re being constrained by, the progressive government and, you know, democracy, especially, you know, from the Anglosphere democracies, the Five Eyes and so forth, the threat’s never been from autocratic government on the right.”

“The threat to freedom and democracy has always been on the left,” he said. “It’s the collectivist, socialist agenda. And that is where we’re losing our freedom. Parents are losing the freedom to control their children’s education. And, you know, people can’t speak their mind without losing their jobs and things like that. This is worse than the McCarthy era. Where is that coming from? It’s not coming from the right.”


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