Biden Shredded After Blaming Republicans For His Border Mess

Biden Shredded After Blaming Republicans For His Border Mess

President Joe Biden faced criticism on social media for claiming that conservatives are to blame for the ongoing border crisis, stating they have failed to pass “the toughest border enforcement in history.”

Biden posted on X on Thursday evening, blaming former President Donald Trump and Republicans for rejecting legislation that partially addressed the border crisis. The president’s emphasis on illegal immigration comes just months before the 2024 election, with voters indicating that illegal immigration will be the most significant issue influencing their voting decisions.

“Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican allies don’t care about securing the border or fixing America’s broken immigration system,” the president wrote. “If they did, they would have supported the toughest border enforcement in history. Instead, they put partisan politics ahead of our national security.”

Republicans and political commentators quickly pointed out on social media that Biden had terminated Trump’s strict border policies and redirected funds away from building a wall along the southern border. Fox News reporter Bill Melugin noted that the president could take immediate executive action to reinstate the Trump-era emergency declaration and address the illegal immigration crisis.

“One executive action Biden could take is to reinstate the national emergency declaration at the border that he terminated immediately upon taking office & declared to be ‘unwarranted,’” Melugin wrote. “3 yrs later, Biden himself has said border isn’t secure, & his DHS Secretary admits a ‘crisis.’”

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) slammed Biden for the post and declared him a liar, writing, “On the very first day of your regime, you reversed President Trump’s policies that DID secure our border. Americans see right through your lies, Joe.”

Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY) accused Biden of attempting to “rewrite the story.”

“You reversed @realDonaldTrump’s policies, creating this disaster. The toughest border enforcement in history is HR2 – the legislation @HouseGOP sent to the Senate over a year ago. Don’t rewrite the story,” the congressman wrote. “This is the #BidenBorderCrisis. You. Don’t. Care.”

Author James Lindsay simply wrote on the X platform, “Ol’ Baloney Joe.”

House Republicans again on Thursday rejected a bill that was first introduced in the Senate in February, with Republican leadership saying that the legislation “fails in every policy area needed to secure our border and would actually incentivize more illegal immigration.” Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) added that he would not “support a bill that doesn’t secure the border, provides taxpayer funded lawyers to illegal immigrants and gives billions to radical open borders groups. I’m a no.”


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