Artificial Intelligence-Powered Computer: Trump Won Debate

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A computer analysis of last night’s presidential debate which was powered by artificial intelligence determined President Trump to be the winner.

The analysis found President Trump won in five out of seven topics.

The Washington Times reports:

The analysis by VoiceVibes, a communication coaching software, graded the performance of Mr. Trump and Democratic challenger Joseph R. Biden at Thursday’s debate based on vocal delivery or how professional and polished they sounded.
Mr. Trump outscored Mr. Biden on the discussion of climate change, race in America, leadership, national security and health care.
Mr. Biden scored highest on COVID-19 and immigration, according to the software.
The winners for each topic were determined based on the vocal analysis of confidence and authenticity.

According to the analysis, President Trump’s best topic was health care and Biden’s was immigration.

Debra Cancro, CEO of VoiceVibes said, “Keep in mind that our software does not attempt to evaluate the content or merit of their statements or politics, rather the persuasiveness of their tone and vocal delivery,” said Debra Cancro, CEO of VoiceVibes.

It’s probably safe to say that anyone who knows what a “coyote” is, knows that President Trump crushed last night’s debate performance.

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A computer analysis of last night’s presidential debate which was powered by artificial intelligence determined President Trump to be the winner.

The analysis found President Trump won in five out of seven topics.

The Washington Times reports:

The analysis by VoiceVibes, a communication coaching software, graded the performance of Mr. Trump and Democratic challenger Joseph R. Biden at Thursday’s debate based on vocal delivery or how professional and polished they sounded.
Mr. Trump outscored Mr. Biden on the discussion of climate change, race in America, leadership, national security and health care.
Mr. Biden scored highest on COVID-19 and immigration, according to the software.
The winners for each topic were determined based on the vocal analysis of confidence and authenticity.

According to the analysis, President Trump’s best topic was health care and Biden’s was immigration.

Debra Cancro, CEO of VoiceVibes said, “Keep in mind that our software does not attempt to evaluate the content or merit of their statements or politics, rather the persuasiveness of their tone and vocal delivery,” said Debra Cancro, CEO of VoiceVibes.

It’s probably safe to say that anyone who knows what a “coyote” is, knows that President Trump crushed last night’s debate performance.